  • 學位論文


Research upon the Enterprises’ Participation in Marketing Activities via Sports Sponsorship

指導教授 : 趙義隆


企業贊助運動已成為企業在行銷策略執行上一項重要的工具,企業在投入運動贊助之中,更是要考量許多不同行銷的概念,才能提高贊助的效益。故本研究希望藉由先探討企業在運動贊助決策的相關細節,並且瞭解在贊助的過程與企業行銷活動流程中的關聯,最後瞭解企業在投入運動贊助其效益評估的方式,來探討出本研究的相關結論。 而針對企業在運動贊助決策與行銷活動決策流程中,本研究定義了相 關的研究變數在,並針對不同的變數來提出以下相關結論之命題: 在運動贊助的動機上,企業主要是基於增進企業形象之考量來投入;在運動贊助的影響因素上,贊助項目的形象與目標市場的選擇和企業之間的關聯,為重要的影響因素;在贊助決策內容上,棒球是目前國內企業投入運動贊助風氣最興盛的一項運動;在贊助執行方式上,透過獨家贊助運動的企業,會用更多的資源投入贊助,並且會以長期的方式來合作;在市場區隔變數的選擇上,多以人口統計變數中年齡做為主要的區隔變數;在選擇目標市場的變數上,主要是以全面市場涵蓋的方式來做為依據;在發展市場定位的變數上,透過運動贊助可增強企業在消費者心目中定位為有活力、健康與清新的認知;在擬定行銷策略上,除了金錢的贊助之外,若能藉由產品的贊助,更有助於企業擬定相關的行銷策略;在企業評估贊助效益上,媒體曝光為重要的量化的評估方式,顧客回饋意見為重要的質化評估方式。而最後本研究並針對不同研究目的,提出相關管理意涵與結論。


The corporate sponsorship for sports has become an important tool of the companies’ execution of marketing strategy. When the enterprises participate in sports sponsorship, they must access to various marketing concepts in order to increase the benefits of sponsorship. Therefore, this research intended to initially explore the related details of the enterprises’ decisions with respect to sports sponsorship, access to the connection between the sponsoring process and the enterprises’ marketing procedure and finally understand the evaluation with regard to the benefits of the participation in sports sponsorship in order to generalize the related conclusions. As to the enterprises’ decision of sports sponsorship and decisive procedure of marketing activities, this research defined the related variables of study and proposed the following conclusions with regard to different variables: With regard to the motives of sports sponsorship, the enterprises mainly concerned about reinforcing the enterprise images. As to the factors which affected sports sponsorship, the images of the sponsor items and the connection between the selection of target markets and the enterprises were the important factors. With regard to the decisive content of sponsorship, baseball was currently the most popular sport which encouraged the national enterprises to participating in sports sponsorship. As to the execution of sponsorship, the enterprises which exclusively sponsored the sports would involve in more resources and proceed with long-term cooperation. As to the selection of segmentation variables of the market, the researcher tended to treat the ages of the variables of vital statistics as the main segmentation variable. With respect to the variable of selection of target markets, the researcher’s study was mainly based upon the involvement of all of the markets. With regard to the variable of development of the position of the market, the sports sponsorship allowed the consumers to regard the enterprise as a vital, healthy and pure company. As to the planning of marketing strategy, apart from money, the offer of the products would considerably enhance the enterprises’ planning upon related marketing strategies. As to the enterprises’ evaluation of benefits of sponsorship, the exposition through media was an important quantitative evaluation and the customers’ feedback was a crucial qualitative evaluation. Finally, the research suggested the related managerial significance and conclusion with respect to different objectives of the study.


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Marketing Management,tenth edition ) 。
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