  • 學位論文


Tesla’s Business Ecosystem and Business Model Innovation

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


由於近年國際對於環保議題之重視程度提升,促使各國政府設定更嚴苛之碳排放量標準,並推動電動車及再生能源等相關政策及補助措施,促使電動車產業開始成長,而特斯拉透過獨特企業作為,成立不到20年即成為產業領導者。本文以個案研究方式深入探討特斯拉的企業發展,分析在缺乏專業背景知識及資源下,公司成立初期之存活關鍵為何,以及進入汽車產業採行之之策略。藉由核心資源與能力之分析,尋找持續性競爭優勢,以及在不同產業狀況下,探討特斯拉經營策略及商業模式之演進,歸納特斯拉持續領先傳統汽車大廠的關鍵因素與做法。最後,根據公司業務發展,分析特斯拉建立電動車生態系之方式及其對產業之可能影響。 本研究將特斯拉發展歷程分成三階段,分別為破壞式創新期(2003~2015年)、電動車大眾市場期(2016~2018年)以及電動車生態發展期(2019年至今)。第一階段特斯拉鎖定產業瓶頸,著手進行電池相關研究,讓電動車效能提升至與傳統燃油汽車之水準,並在主要銷售地區美國建置充電站,解決消費者痛點,以推動汽車銷售。其中,為了獲取研究經費,Musk藉由其人脈與名氣,為公司募集資金並讓公司公開上市,以解決創立初期之財務危機。第二階段特斯拉持續在核心技術上進行研究,透過與合作夥伴松下的合作,進行車用電池與能源裝置之研究與生產,有效降低生產成本,讓特斯拉得以成本領導之優勢推出平價車款Model 3,並在廠房快速調整汽車產線,提升汽車產能,更於全球建置充電網路,以刺激銷售成長。除此之外,藉由收購SolarCity,發展能源業務,期望整合電動車與能源業務,發展一套能源解決方案。第三階段特斯拉開始進行國際擴展,設立海外工廠,快速複製生產技術,以迅速增加汽車產能,透過在地零組件之使用及車款共用零件方式,增加採購規模,降低生產成本,進而降低車款售價,滲透全球市場,抵禦傳統車廠之競爭。此外,特斯拉創造以電動車為核心,並整合周邊服務的獨特生態系,致力於提升顧客體驗,期望創造顧客終生價值。 在近期,特斯拉除了面臨產業的競爭外,也遭遇汽車意外、資安問題及公關危機等挑戰,本研究建議特斯拉可以持續在B2B市場進行佈局,降低對客用電動車之過度依賴,並適度開放汽車生態系,吸引符合條件之企業加入,強化生態系在產業中之影響力。在公司管理方面,加強品質管理,降低汽車故障率;設立高標準資安等級,保護個資安全;設立專責單位處理公關問題,並與政府單位建立友善關係,以維持長期合作。


In recent years, the attention to environmental issues has increased, which prompting governments to set stricter carbon emission standards. They release policies and subsidies about electric vehicles and renewable energy, which has accelerated the growth of the electric vehicle industry. Tesla has become an industry leader in less than 20 years since its establishment. This article uses case study method to discuss Tesla’s corporate development. It analyzes the key element to survival in the early stage of the company, and the strategy adopted to enter the automotive industry, due to the lack of professional background knowledge and resources. By analyzing core resources and capabilities, we find the sustainable competitive advantages. Besides, we discuss the evolution of Tesla's business strategy and business model under different industrial conditions, which helps to figure out the key factors and practices that Tesla continues to lead traditional automakers. Finally, according to the company's business development, we analyze the way that Tesla establishes its electric vehicle ecosystem and the possible impact on the industry. This research divides Tesla’s development period into three stages, namely, disruptive innovation period (2003~2015), electric vehicle mass market period (2016~2018), and electric vehicle ecosystem period (2019 to present). In the first stage, Tesla focused on the bottleneck of the industry and conduct battery-related research to improve the efficiency of electric vehicles to the level of traditional fuel vehicles. It built charging stations in the United States to solve consumer pain points and promote car sales. In order to obtain research funding, Musk used his reputation to raise funds for the company and publicly list the company to solve the financial difficulty in Tesla’s early stage. In the second stage, Tesla continued to conduct research on core technologies. Tesla also cooperate with its partner Panasonic to do research on automotive batteries and energy devices, which effectively reducing production costs and allowing Tesla to take advantage of cost leadership to launch new car Model 3. Tesla quickly adjusts the car production lines to increase production capacity and build the global charging network to stimulate sales growth. In addition, through the acquisition of SolarCity, Tesla starts to develop the energy business and is expected to integrate electric vehicles and energy business. In the third stage, Tesla began to expand internationally, set up overseas factories, and quickly copied production technology to rapidly increase production capacity. Through the use of local parts and components and sharing parts between different cars, Tesla increases the scale of procurement and reduced production costs. Tesla decides to reduce the price of car, which helps to penetrate the global market and resists competition from traditional car manufacturers. In addition, Tesla has created a unique ecosystem with electric vehicles and the peripheral services. it commits to improving customer experience, and expects to create customer lifetime value. In the near future, Tesla faces strong industry competition, automobile accidents, information security issues, and public relations crisis. This study suggests that Tesla can continue to deploy in the B2B market to reduce excessive reliance on passenger electric vehicles. Besides, we suggests Tesla can open up the automobile ecosystem moderately, which attracting qualified companies to join and strengthening the ecosystem's influence in the industry. In terms of company management, Tesla can focus on strengthening quality management, establishing high-standard information security levels to protect personal security, setting up a dedicated unit to handle public relations issues, and establishing friendly relations with governments to maintain long-term cooperation.


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