  • 學位論文

歷史性場所的地景變遷與空間再結構過程- 台北市西門市場更新再利用案

Landscape Transformation and Spatial Restructuring in Historical Places-the Case of West-Gate Market in Taipei

指導教授 : 王鴻楷


一個歷史性場所的更新行動往往牽涉到該場所的歷史延續問題以及對未來願景的想像。所以,我們首先必須對該地長久以來的地景變遷有相當一定程度的了解,並考量當今政治、經濟及社會文化的條件,以勾勒出未來該地再發展的可能方向。經由前述分析確定方案後,接下來就是選擇執行方式以實現方案,以及最後追蹤評估以作為未來規劃的參考。而這整個空間再結構過程,都牽涉到公部門、開發商、專業者及市民的互動過程與成果,這些都將決定未來新地景的樣貌。 從台北市西門市場的更新再利用過程的經驗分析中發現:與西門市場息息相關的西門圓環的消失,使得彼此的歷史關係斷裂並弱化了西門町的整體意象,此乃週遭地景變遷中的一大憾事。依此,本文提出「更新保存再利用之三空間層次」,希望更新保存能夠從建築空間、人文空間的層次,再延伸到都市空間的層次,以抵抗簡化的交通改善策略對歷史都市空間的破壞。再者,本文並指出文化地景中「場所精神」的概念,其由建築、人文、都市空間三者以不同程度配比所組成,應由規劃者在更新行動過程中掌握,清楚辨析「空間馬賽克」單元,以作為更新的整體保存再利用基礎。 西門市場空間再結構過程的不同方案反映出三任市長在不同的時空背景下所做的不同更新決策。而其中最終的定案的實踐成果,至今尚未能令人滿意。本文認為其主要原因是,政府主導下的更新開發案時,由於官僚體系的特性與本質,容易在處理複雜的更新機能內容時,形成事權分散而不利於後續經營管理的決策;而在開發過程中,政治壓力下造成對表面性時效的重視,亦導致軟體尚未完備時而逕行完成硬體建設,最後使得想像的龐大商機,流失於地方角力之中,進而使整體更新工作停滯不前。 最後本文指出,在都市日漸全球化的環境下,政府更新策略應進一步思考流動空間與地方空間的屬性與關係,以為規劃決策的基礎。再者,現有的開發工具應進一步思考並建立完善的公私合夥機制,以增進更新工作的效率與整體性;社區規劃工具則應在人文網絡複雜的臺灣特有更新基地中,扮演長期的環境調查、整理工作,俾保存珍貴的文化資產。無論運用何種工具,都應能彰顯流動空間與地方空間兩者的時代價值,使其和諧發展,共生共榮。


When revitalizing a historical place, we are always confronted with problems of historical continuity, and have to propose a vision for its future. Therefore, we first have to understand the landscape transformation process of the place and its political, economic, and socio-cultural conditions along the way, thus hopefully, delineating a potential direction for the revitalization action. After adopting policies accordingly, we have to implement the policies by some selected means. Finally, we look over and evaluate the whole process to draw lessons for future planning efforts. In the process of restructuring a space, there are communicative processes that involve actors such as public agencies, developers, professionals and relevant citizens. These interactive results collectively determine the new appearance of the future landscape. From the process of the case study on the Taipei’s West-Gate Market, we consider it is regretful that the West-Gate Circus, which was historically closely tied with the Market, was dismantled. It also weakens the overall image structure of the Xi-men-ding area where the Market and Circus are located. Therefore, we suggest a 3-tier conceptualization of spatial revitalization action, recommending that analysis and planning of place preservation and reuse be broadened to include the dimension of urban design, in addition to those of architectural space and human space, in order to resist the possible destruction of historical space resulting from simplistic functional considerations, such as traffic improvement policy in the case studied. Moreover, we also believe that the so-called “genius loci”, unequally composed of architectural, human and urban spatial qualities in the cultural landscape should be respected by the regeneration planers. And the planners should also thoroughly probe into the “mosaic of spaces” and to employ it as the basis of integrated place regeneration. The different development plans for the West-Gate Market proposed during the long process of its space-restructuring reflect diverse political considerations of the three successive mayors in the changing political context. However, the final project and its implementation still cannot be deemed successful. We believe it’s mainly due to the fact that when the government is directly in charge of a functionally complicated urban renewal project, it’s subjected to constraints imposed by characteristics and nature of bureaucracy and is usually predisposed to disperse the responsibilities of planning, design, construction and management. This responsibility dispersion is harmful to the follow-up operations and management. Furthermore, during the entire process, the political pressure-sensitive administration apparatus puts unduly emphasis on outward efficiency instead of substantive long-term advantages. As a result, design and construction is usually carried out without well thought-out operational and management plans. Eventually, the anticipated commercial potential dwindles in the local political wrestling, and the overall progress of renewal can come to a halt. Finally, we suggest that the government's urban renewal policy-making consider the characteristics of and the complex/dialectical relationship between the “space of flows” and the “space of places” in this globalizing environment, and adopt them as the basis for the planning decision-making. Additionally, we should devise mechanisms of the public/private partnership to enhance the existing institutional instruments and improve the effectiveness and integrity of future urban renewal undertakings. To preserve the valuable cultural assets of the humanly complicated context of renewal sites in Taiwan, instruments of community planning should play a role in the long-term investigation and reshaping of the environment. Regardless of the measures used, we have to demonstrate the modern-day significance of the intertwining between the “space of flows” and the “space of places”, and to insure that both manifestations coexist in harmony and prosperity


Hummel, R.P.,(1994). The Bureaucratic Experienc:a Critique of Life in the Modern Organization, St. Martin’s Press. (史美強譯,《官僚經驗:對現代組織方式之批評》,臺北:五南)


