  • 學位論文


Cross-National Technology Learning Innovation Network in Taiwan's High-Tech Industry-Comparative Analyses between IC and LCD Industry

指導教授 : 陳東升


本論文將台灣高科技產業的組織網絡當成一個技術知識學習創新機制,試圖分析科技後進國的企業透過技術知識學習創新網絡從國外引進技術知識,將新的技術知識與他們既存的知識、經驗等結合在一起,進行創新活動的實際過程。科技後進國開始著手技術學習、推動技術的修正以及創新活動之時,拿到跨國流通與擴散的技術知識、抓住從國外引進技術知識的機會就是必要的前提。但先前的研究很少討論這些跨國技術知識流通與擴散如何發生,科技後進國透過什麼樣的機制從國外科技先進國引進新的技術知識,學習知識,將新的知識轉變為自己的創新活動等。筆者採用複數的因果條件彼此受影響的組合作用之理論架構,將「技術」、「制度(包含國家產業政策以及文化規範等)」、「跨國技術學習創新網絡」的三個因素之間的互動關係當成研究對象以免陷入技術決定論和制度決定論的限制。「跨國技術學習創新網絡」指的是新的技術知識透過正式的制度安排以及社會或人際網絡跨越國境擴散到不同國家企業組織以及整個產業裡面的機制。在跨國技術學習創新網絡的運作中,筆者特別強調「外部開放性結構」與「內部封閉性結構」對於科技後進國引進新知識、學習知識、進入創新的過程帶來關鍵性影響。「外部開放性結構」指的是科技後進國企業從科技先進國引進新技術的開放性階段,「內部封閉性結構」是科技後進國從科技先進國引進新技術之後,在接受新技術知識的組織成員之間的封閉性空間,分享新知識,將新知識與既存的知識結合在一起,進入創新活動的封閉性階段。 本研究相關廠商的跨國田野訪談後發現,開放性的社會網絡結構促成知識流通的「外部開放性結構」,封閉性的社會網絡結構對於「內部封閉性結構」的發展帶來正面的影響。日本產業界的封閉性組織網絡結構促成企業組織內部行動者之間的凝聚力與信任關係,在組織內部學習新知識、修正知識的「內部封閉性結構」發揮他的優勢。但封閉性網絡結構往往引起知識流通與人才流動的阻塞情形,造成資訊的重疊性、僵硬且缺乏彈性的組織結構等的困境。台灣產業界的開放性網絡結構偶爾會造成企業內機密性技術知識往外面洩漏的風險,但開放性網絡結構促成知識流通與人才流動,能夠迅速地吸收多樣化的資訊,不容易引起組織僵硬化的問題,在從外面引進新技術知識的「外部開放性結構」發揮他的本領。並且,在台灣有幾個高科技產業群聚,技術知識與技術人才在這些群聚邊界裡面流通,雖然技術知識跟著技術人才的流動跨越每間企業的邊界,但技術知識與know-how在特定的產業群聚裡面累積下去.就變為整個產業群聚的知識財產。


This thesis argues the operation of cross-national technology learning innovation network on the knowledge diffusion among US, Japan and Taiwan's high-tech industry. Cross-national technology learning processes are influenced by many factors; they occur in interaction among technological, institutional, cultural, social network structural elements, which together is called “cross-national technology learning innovation network”. In these complicated learning processes, the countries with weak technological bases introduce cutting edge of technology from other advanced industrial country, learn new technological knowledge and integrate new knowledge in their existing knowledge, advance to the innovation stage. In order to conduct comparative analyses between Taiwan's IC and LCD industry's cross-national learning innovation network, I provide two stages of knowledge diffusion network mechanisms, one is the open network structure between knowledge receiver and brokerage, and the other is the closed network in the organization of knowledge receiver. Based on the cross-national field research the analysis reveals that the differences of social network structure among US, Japan and Taiwan have a profound influence on the introduction of foreign technical knowledge and know-how in Taiwanese IC and LCD industry. Open social network structure strengthens open knowledge diffusion network structure; closed social network structure has a positive effect on closed knowledge diffusion network structure. More specifically, closed network structure in Japanese industry strengthens the trust relationships among technical personnel in corporate organization, however, strong ties not infrequently impedes the knowledge diffusion and the mobility of human resources, brings out the problem of knowledge redundancy and the rigidity of organization. By contrast, in the open network structure of Taiwanese industry, there is a possibility of opportunism and leakage of advanced technology, however, extremely frequent knowledge diffusion and the mobility of human resources accelerate the assimilation of diversified knowledge, and it is unlikely to cause the rigidity of organization. In addition to this, Taiwanese government established several industrial clusters in Taiwan, technological knowledge and technical personnel flow freely in these industrial clusters. Technological knowledge diffuses across the boundary of each corporate organization along with the mobility of human resources, however, technological knowledge and know-how accumulated in the certain industrial cluster, turn into knowledge property in the entire industry.


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凃乃文(2008)。藍田日暖玉生煙?新興產業的後進發展: 臺灣TFT-LCD產業跨組織與跨部門關係之探討〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.02219
