  • 學位論文


Studying the Feasibility of Applying Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) in Viet Nam

指導教授 : 陳柏翰




Nowadays, the amount of energy consumption used for building have increasing in the world. Meanwhile the energy for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) account a big proportion in the total energy usage in the building. Using Insulating Concrete Form can save energy for the HVAC system so that can reduce the bill of electricity. Insulating Concrete Form have been used a lot in the US, Canada and in European countries in nearly decades but this material has not been used in Viet Nam yet. By using eQUEST, this research wants to make a comprehensive calculation energy consumption by comparing the amount of usage energy of models using and not using Insulating Concrete Form. The simulation will compare a resident building with popular construction materials in Viet Nam with the house with Insulating Concrete Form. In addition, the simulation runs on other climate in three big cities to see the difference when using in each weather. After having the information of energy consumption, the life cycle cost analysis of each scenarios can be calculated so that the economics advantage of using Insulating Concrete Form can be seen clearly.


Insulating Concrete Form ICF Viet Nam Energy


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