  • 學位論文


The Interaction of Industrial Policy and the Market:Study of Chinese Automobile Industry

指導教授 : 左正東


中國自2009年汽車產銷量雙雙超越1,300萬輛後,已然超越美國成為全球最大汽車市場。然亦有論者指出大陸的汽車產業仍然面臨產業技術空洞化的危機,法定的合資關係造成外資車企全面掌握汽車產業鏈的核心價值,而產業政策無法疏導此一現象發生。到底汽車產業的榮枯與產業政策之間是甚麼關係? 吾人若想了解中國大陸汽車產業如何發展成現今的規模,就必須對於中國大陸政府對於汽車產業的管制歷程進行深入的研究,才能知道管制過程中遭遇什麼問題。本文的核心在於回答大陸中央政府在引導國內汽車產業發展時的管制歷程,並嘗試挖掘管制過程中所遭遇到的問題,找出產生問題的原因,並了解這些問題對大陸本土車廠、外國汽車製造商的影響為何,藉由管制型國家理論的架構,嘗試對中央政府的管制目的、管制手段、管制機關權力分配、以及管制的政治邏輯做清晰的梳理。 本文認為就政府管制面而言,首先須認知到中央管制並非單一個體產物,而是各個機關利益折衝的結果,因此須了解到機關之間的協調與權力分配關係。由於政策規劃機關沒有約束國營企業的直接權力,而國資委這個實際國企掌控者所設定的利潤績效標準未能調動國企經營者的誘因去改變合資關係中的利潤分配不平等關係與技術依賴性。此外管制機構職權界線的模糊性也體現出計畫經濟體制轉型的特徵,造成了管制效率不彰與廠商的尋租空間。 就企業面而言,滿足政策目標須基於不傷害利潤極大化的核心要求下,管制政策設下的合資關係能夠確保中外雙方均有利潤基礎,卻無法獲得技術轉移,甚至加深外資對產業鏈的控制,這對於中國汽車市場而言,消費者的福利似乎受到最大的傷害。


This thesis aims to explore the relationship between market structure, government’s regulation structure and performance of the automobile industry in mainland China by applying the regulatory state theory. The thesis intends to explore the characteristics of the market structure, firm conduct and governmental regulation structure and history in China’s automobile industry, to find the political and regulation obstacles and what are the problems for the central government to implement the regulation, to find what the impact is for the local auto manufactures and the MNCs. The theory of regulatory state provide us the structure to inspect government’s regulatory objectives, stratege, and impact for the market and firms. This thesis come to the conclution that the central regulatory design can’t make a good performance because there is the contradiction between the industrial policy design department and the state-owned firm regulatory department. Also from the firm’s perspective, large-scale enterprises in China embrace short-term goals to maximize firm scale and market shares so as to maximize revenues by exploiting the advantages of economy of scale, however, on the other hand, they ignore fundamental, long-term goals to be sustainable, successful and competitive corporations that invest R&D to increase business efficiency, reduce costs, and boost marginal revenue and added-value rate. The central governmental regulation can’t give the firm more incentive to pursue the investment on R&D.


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