  • 學位論文


Contemporary Female Tourism: A Discourse Analysis of Female Travel within Blog Posts

指導教授 : 紀慧君


本研究旨在探討旅行如何賦予現代女性不同於傳統女性的角色面貌,以及現代女性旅遊習慣所反映的社會意涵,因此本研究選擇發表女性旅遊經驗的部落格作為分析案例,從中觀察現代女性如何陳述自己與旅遊這項休閒活動的關係,以及社會對於女性旅行論述的觀感。 由於部落格是一種由使用者主導的個人化媒介,因而在發表文章的過程中,必然涉及到挑選、排除的書寫策略以提供讀者一個特定的閱讀框架,也就是進行個人「印象管理」的方式。因此本研究以Goffman戲劇理論的角度切入,藉此發掘女性如何透過旅遊與書寫的表演,來促成他者對其現代女性形象的理解。   本研究發現,女性透過書寫呈現出的自我角色是社會整體期望下的產物。女性之所以能呈現「堅強」、「自立」的形象,除了藉由個人書寫的陳述之外,在旅行中與部落格中的觀看他者的互動也使這些形象得到印證、認同。自助旅行則提供女性跨越性別界限的機會,對外展示個人的能動性與自主權,以獲得大眾的注視與肯定,並藉此抵抗現代社會中父權壓制的情境。   綜觀女性旅行者的表演行動,社會給予的期望依然具有性別意識的問題。在兩性平權的訴求之下,依然不能完全免除父權論述帶來的壓制,因此為了滿足現代社會中不同論述中的期許,女性的角色被設下更高的演出標準。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the travel how to give the face of modern women is different from the traditional female role, as well as the modern women travel habits reflect the social implications. In this study, chosen the female travel experience blog as the analysis of case to observe that modern women statement of the leisure and tourism activities, and social perception of women travel discourse. Because of blog is a user-led personalized media, which published an article, the process inevitably involves the selection rule out the writing strategy to provide readers with a particular reading frame, which is a personal "impression management". In this study, the theoretical point of view is Goffman dramaturgical theory, to explore how women through the performance of travel and writing, to facilitate the understanding of the image of modern women. This study found that self-role of women through writing showing the expectations of society. The female has been able to show a "strong", "self" image, except by personal written statement, in the traveling interactive viewing the blog also makes these images to be confirmed, identity. Backpacking provides women the opportunity to cross gender boundaries, external display of personal initiative and autonomy in order to get the public gaze and recognition, and to resist the patriarchal suppression of the situation in modern society. In summary, the acting of female travelers, the expectations of the community still has the problem of gender awareness. Under the demands of equality between the sexes is still not entirely free from the patriarchal discourse of repression brought order to meet the expectations of modern society discourse, the role of women was set higher performance standards.


travel blog Goffman dramaturgical theory feminism


[1997]. Consumer Culture and Modernity.)
