  • 學位論文


The Content Analysis of Similar Figures of Junior High Mathematics Textbooks in Grade Nine

指導教授 : 張英傑 李武炎


本研究之目的是探究比較國中九年級各版本數學教科書相似形之教材結構,並分析與97及92 數學課程綱要分年細目指標的對應結果。研究是以概念圖為工具,使用內容分析法對現有(101學年度)三個版本的國中數學教科書相似形單元教材內容之教學活動進行分析,以呈現其教材結構,其研究結果如下:一、研究者建構出的三個版本數學教科書的相似形單元概念圖,各版本相似形教材結構之概念的呈現順序、內容有些不同,其相同概念數約佔國中相似形相關概念的43%,三版本所涵蓋的概念數則佔87%。主要著重於平行線截比例線段性質、相似形的意義、三角形相似性質(包含AA相似、SAS相似、SSS相似)。二、教科書乃是根據數學課程綱要所編纂,在各版本相似形教材結構中,教材內容大部分符合92課綱規範之教材內容,但對97課綱符合度僅約77%。尤其是圖形縮放的概念是較欠缺的,宜多補強與縮放有關的教學活動來改善。最後依據研究結果,分別對教材內容、教科書的編纂及使用與未來研究提供相關建議。


The main purpose of this study is to figure out the teaching material structure of similar figures of junior high mathematics textbooks in 9th grade and to compare with the differences among them which were checked with the Curriculum Guideline issued by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2008 and 2003. With the tools of concept maps, the study principally applies content analyses to the teaching materials of `similar figures’ in the three existing versions of junior high mathematics textbooks analysing the teaching activities of the context to render the teaching material structure of similar figures. The findings of this study are as below :1. The researcher constructs three‘similar figures’ concept maps of the three existing versions. There are some differences among the concepts and sequence of the contents in the three versions of similar figures materials. The concepts they have in common account for about 43 percent of the junior high similar figures concepts. The percentage of what they include among the three versions of textbooks is 87%.The consistence maps put emphasis on three portions which are ratio line segment on parallel lines, similar figures, and three rules to check for similar triangles, including the AA rule, SAS rule and SSS rule. 2. The textbooks produced base on the Curriculum Guideline. Three teaching material structures of similar figures in 9th grade were consistent with the mapping to the Curriculum Guideline 2003, but the mapping to the Curriculum Guideline 2008 accounts for about 77 percent. Especially the concepts of the image reduction and magnification are shown weak. They can be improved to put more teaching activities for image reduction and magnification. At last, the findings of this study discussed hopefully can provide textbook compilers, users and researchers with some pragmatic suggestions.


