  • 學位論文


The Study of Supply Chain Management and Procurement Strategy-The Case of Japanese Brand Notebook Company.

指導教授 : 任耀庭


本論文針對筆記型電腦內所使用之關鍵零組件採購策略與相關供應商之供應鏈管理,研究其中兩者關連性並針對供應鏈管理對於成本控制之影響進而如何改變採購行為策略作進一步探討。 本論文探討之內容,以參考國內外學者之相關著作及研究論文等,主要集中於全球供應鏈管理之理論,以及消費性電子產品採購行為模式,加上研究生實際從事筆記型電腦產業採購工作之經驗,探討如何透過良好供應鏈管理來改變採購行為,進而有效降低採購成本並為企業創造更佳獲利。 研究背景為2000年起迄今,以某日系筆記型電腦品牌廠(以下簡稱為日本T社)開始導入原廠設計製造代工模式(Original Design Manufacturer, ODM)為例,此期間筆記型電腦產業型態及相關供應鏈之變化,筆記型電腦品牌如何透過調整供應鏈管理模式來改變採購策略,運用五力分析及SWOT模式,分析日本T社於筆記型電腦產業經營發展之內在條件優劣勢,及外在產業環境發展機會與威脅,最後透過六標準差手法來說明筆記型電腦中關於採購關鍵零組件行為中,透過改善現金流所產生之成效,以期維持企業獲利甚至避免被淘汰之命運。研究中發現透過延長對供應商之付款條件,以達到延長資金停留在日本T社之運用時間,雖可即時改善損益情形,但此並非正確之長期對策,應認真檢討日本T社本身所擁有之優勢及弱勢,及思考所面對之機會及挑戰,制定出有效之經營策略並確實執行,才能在競爭激烈之筆記型電腦產業佔有一席之地。 此外,日本T社在追求獲利之同時,亦必須考量從基本面來改善現金流,如強化企業體質及自身之競爭力,而並非利用會計手段來粉飾企業虧損事實,如此將造成對投資者及從業人員之不信任感與不安。唯有如此才能善盡企業身為社會之一份子所必須承擔之企業社會責任。


With the progress of hardware and software development of notebook PC, it has become an important tool for human beings no matter in business or personal activities. And all major notebook brand companies are facing a serious challenge for market trend since it has become a bloody industry due to the selling price of notebook PC (which most consumers can accept) dropping from USD$1,500 to USD$500 under with the last decade. Companies must find the way out to study the cost of materials, labor, logistics, sales and marketing and so on. Supply Chain Management is the most effective method to find out the root cause for each stage. Meanwhile, to study the connection between procurement strategy and Supply Chain Management, then drill down all possible factors which may affect the whole activity seriously, finally decide one important factor to set the improvement action by using the method of Six Sigma. Here we selected the most important factor is “Cash Flow” due to it is the most direct connection to company for the matter of survival or disappearance in this industry. It will be all in vain if a company couldn’t control its cash flow well, even the company sells lots of products; Not to mention that if a company did not perform well in sales. The better a company controlling its cash flow, the longer it can survive than its competitors. That’s why cash flow has become an important subject in procurement activity. This study also finds some key factors for this Japanese Brand Notebook Company’s Strategy which effected its development a lot for last two decades. It might be too much emphasized in “Numbers” such as number of sales/market share/revenue and so on. However, using the right method to create numbers is much important than making fake numbers instead. Once consumers lost their faith in one brand, it might take years to gain their trust again since it is very hard to build a hundred-years brand and it is very easy to collapse over one night. That is why Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is emphasized recent years. Companies not only take the interest as the first priority, but to keep their brand image as a priceless treasure as well.


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