  • 學位論文


The Study of Employees Turnover Intentions and Retention Measures of Voluntary Military Service in the R.O.C. Air Force

指導教授 : 陳志瑋


在2018年6月份立法院通過修正《陸海空軍軍官士官服役條例》,志願役軍、士官服役滿一年後,若無意願繼續在軍中服役者,可透過申請並賠償規定金額後辦理提早退伍,藉此探討志願役軍士官自願提前離職的原因,期能藉此提出改進建議,作為各部隊參考運用,提升人員留營率。本研究採立意抽樣法選取空軍各部隊特定人員為對象,進行質化訪談,並將訪談對象區分為已提出申請提前退伍人員、期滿自行續留人員及期滿勸慰留營人員等類型,分析及探討影響作成不同決策之因素為何。 訪談後瞭解影響人員離職的意願可區分為個人因素、組織因素(環境及制度)及外在影響因素等三方面,並針對各項離職因素及其交互影響關係分別探討,得知人員對於最基本的生理需求及安全需求如果無法得到滿足,則人員選擇提前退伍的意願會提高,另外發現家庭因素及外在工作機會為影響人員作成不同決策之重要中介因素。本研究發現可做為未來國軍思考留才策略時的參考。


離職 留營


In June 2018, the Legislative Yuan passed the amendment to the “Regulations on the Service of Military Officers and Non-commissioned Officers”. After the volunteers and non-commissioned officers have served for one year, if they do not intend to continue to serve in the military, they can apply for and compensate for the prescribed amount and apply for early retirement. This is to explore the reasons for voluntary resignation of non-commissioned officers voluntarily in advance, and hopes to use this to make suggestions for improvement, which can be used as a reference for various units to increase the rate of personnel retention. This study selected respondents by purposive sampling method from various units of the Air Force to conduct qualitative interviews. Those respondents are divided into three categories, and their deciding factors of staying in military service or not are analyzed and discussed. The study founds that the employees’ turnover intentions can be divided into three aspects: personal factors, organizational factors (environment and system), and external influencing factors. If the physical needs and safety needs of employees cannot be satisfied, the willingness of personnel to choose to retire early will increase. In addition, family factors and external job opportunities are found to be important intermediary factors that influence personnel to make different decisions. The findings of this study can be used as a reference for future national military thinking about talent retention strategies.


Resign Stay in camp


方世榮、楊舒蜜譯,Gary Dessler著(2012)。《現代人力資源管理》,第12版。台北:華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
