  • 學位論文


An action research on applying problem-based learning in local education for elementary school

指導教授 : 高熏芳


論文名稱:問題導向學習在國小本土教育應用之行動研究 頁數:155 校系(所)組別:淡江大學教育科技學系數位學習碩士在職專班 畢業時間及提要別: 102學年度第2學期 碩士學位論文提要 研究生:紀宏翰 指導教授: 高熏芳 博士 論文提要內容: 教育部電子報指出「本土化」與「國際化」是目前教育相當重視的兩個主軸,唯有先認識自己的故鄉,才能更了解世界。不只是在教室內,應該走出課堂,認識更多面向的台灣 (教育部,2008) 。 看見台灣讓大家看見了台灣的美麗與哀愁,片中沒看到的澎湖縣七美鄉,因為擁有世界唯一的雙心石滬成為觀光島嶼。在澎湖成功加入世界最美麗海灣組織之際,更應注重本土教育,讓下一代懂得珍惜並保護天然資源,才能進一步向國際推廣。然而現代電腦科技的普及,卻造成許多學生沉迷網路;偏鄉的小朋友也不例外,網路沉迷使得他們鮮少接觸大自然,更別說關心土生土長的家鄉!去年,研究者指導四位學生進行七美鄉石器時代遺址研究獲得縣內科展第一名,發現他們可以透過問題導向教學的方式,引導學童對這塊土地更認識、更了解,並有自信的和他人分享。 本研究試圖探討以問題導向學習(Problem-based learning)應用在國小學童本土教育之學習成效,以澎湖縣七美國小六年級為例,設計並規劃系列課程,將科技融入教學,並透過這些課程重新認識家鄉;本研究目的為探究問題導向式學習對國小學童本土(一)技能(二)認知(三)意識培養之成效。學生將透過問題導向教學的課程規劃,首先配合運用Google Map進行田野踏查,再利用影音剪輯軟體剪輯居民訪談製作影片,並應用Google協作平台架設主題網站呈現課程成果;使學生除了觀察紀錄本土,更能提出可行的方案進行愛鄉的行動。本研究將採用行動研究法,以教師及研究者的角度,實地的了解本土教學的問題,並加以改善。 根據研究結果,學生在透過問題導向學習進行鄉土教育之後,在技能、認知和意識等方面都表現良好,除了學會如何關心家鄉,也能共同應用網路媒體進行主題網站架設,更能提出可行的愛鄉行動方案。故依此提出三點建議: 一、本土課程應結合更多社區資源使課程更豐富、更多元。 二、本土課程應有戶外踏查課程,讓學生實地觀察、感受。 三、因本土教育融入於各科中,所以教學目標應具體,以免使學生混淆。 關鍵字: 問題導向學習、本土教育、偏鄉學生


Title of Thesis:An action research on applying problem-based learning in local education for elementary school Total pages:155 Key word: problem-based learning, local education, rural area students Name of Institute: Department of Educational Technology, Tamkang University Graduate date: June,2014 Degree conferred: M. Ed. Name of student: Hung-Han Chi Advisor: Hsun-fung Kao, Ph.D. 紀宏翰 高熏芳 博士 Abstract: The Ministry of Education E-newsletter indicates that current education quite put emphasis on both localization and internationalization. Only when we get to know our hometown first, then we can better understand the world. So, we should step out of the classroom instead of only in the classroom, and learn the different aspects of Taiwan. The documentary film “Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above” showcases the beauty and sadness of Taiwan. Cimei Island in Penghu County, where we didn’t see in the film, becomes a popular tourist island for having the world’s only “Twin Heart Stone Weir”. When Penghu successfully joined the club of the most beautiful bay of the world, we should focus on local education. Therefore, the next generation would cherish and protect natural resources in order to further promote internationalization of Penghu. However, the popularity of modern computer technology led many students into Internet addiction. And the remote areas children are no exception too. Internet addiction not only let them rarely commune with nature, but also hardly care about their native hometown. Last year, the researcher guided four students in the research of The Stone Age ruin of Cimei Township. And they won the first prize in the science fair where within the county. We found that the students have better understanding of this piece of land through the problem-based teaching method. And they also share with others in confidence. This research attempts to explore the elementary students in academic achievement with the problem-based learning. Penghu Country’s sixth-graders were selected as the examples. Designing and planning the series of courses by blending technology into teaching. Then, they’d re-recognize their hometown through these courses. This research aims to delve the effectiveness of problem-based learning to bring up the elementary students’ skills, cognition and conscious. Students will be guided by the curriculum planning of problem-based teaching. First, we carry out the field research using Google Map. Then, edit the inhabitants’ interview and make the movie clips with video editing software. And set up theme website to present the result of curriculum by applying Google sites. Therefore, students would not only observe and record the local, but also conduct the action of loving township by raising feasible solution. This research adopts study methodology. And in the perspective of teachers and researchers, they understand the problems of local teaching and improve them. According to the results, the students came off well in skills, cognition and conscious after going on local education through the problem-based learning. In addition to learning how to concern with hometown, they can also set up theme website by applying internet media. Besides, they can conduct the action of loving township too. Finally, we have the results as follows: 1. The local courses should be combined with more community resources to make the curriculum richer and more diverse. 2. The local courses should have to be related to outdoor reconnaissance in order to field observations and feelings. 3. The teaching objectives should be specific to avoid confusing due to blending local education into subjects.


