  • 學位論文


Investigations of Consumer Choices of Tea and Food Bundle

指導教授 : 陳怡妃


對茶飲料業者而言,茶飲市場趨近完全競爭的局勢,又受於餐飲經營環境的影響,連鎖便利超商的轉型,各產業面臨與日激烈的多重競爭,迫使業者重新思考經營策略,向來行銷可以活絡市場、創造價值及改善營運績效,而商品組合是企業汲取營利的重要行銷方案之一。 本研究試圖探討茶飲與所搭配茶點的消費者購買偏好、消費者屬性及選購行為。將根據國內飲食大眾蒐集所得的問卷資料,以檢定新舊產品間相關性,並利用勝算比及關聯分析,估算消費者新舊飲品組合的偏好程度及茶飲茶點的最適組合,以及建置二元羅吉斯迴歸模型,釐清最近曾購買新茶飲的消費者屬性。根據本研究三項實證分析結果,由新舊飲品組合的偏好程度分析結果發現,消費者對同品類的慣用茶飲與新茶的偏好一致,而跨品類新舊茶飲存在偏好相似與相斥性的現象。在新茶飲的消費者屬性中,消費者更加重視新品茶飲,也因此有好的產品信任更能夠吸引消費者的選購意願。再者,從新舊茶飲與茶點的商品組合方面,紅茶類、綠茶類、奶茶類與烏龍茶類飲料均偏好搭配烘焙/甜點/零食或地方小吃。


For the tea beverage industries, the market is almost under perfect competition. Also it’s restricted to the environment of catering business and the transformation of the chain convenience store, the industry faces with the increased competition and is forced to re-consider the business strategy. Marketing could always active market, create value and improve the managerial performance, and the product bundle is one of the important marketing project for industry profit. This research aims to investigate the consumer preference, characteristic and purchase behavior for purchasing tea beverage and relevant food. We examine the correlation between the new and existing products based on the questionnaires in Taiwan. Besides, we use odds ratios and association rules to estimate the consumer preference of new or conventional tea beverage combinations and the adaptive combination of tea beverage and food and build a binary logistic regression model to clarify the characteristic of the new tea beverage consumers recently. According to the three empirical analysis results in this research, we find the consistency of consumer preference for the new with habitual teas, particularly both in the same category. The new tea beverage which attracts the new consumers’ close attention, so that strong consumers’ trust on product can increase the purchase intention. Furthermore, we conclude that the black tea, green tea, milk tea and oolong tea all match up with bread, desserts, snacks or local cuisine.


tea beverage new product bundle odds ratio association rule


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