  • 學位論文


Market Catchment Area of A Metropolis' Two Airports for City Airport-Pair Flights: A Case of Taipei Sonshan Airport

指導教授 : 溫裕弘


許多大都會早年因市區機場周邊土地使用受限、噪音限制及運量不勝負荷,而於市郊、衛星城市另新建國際機場,舊機場則轉型為國內機場,這類機場發展即形成一都會區雙機場模式。最近幾年,此類都會區雙機場模式漸轉型,運用市區機場接近市中心的優勢,重新定位舊市區機場為區域機場,陸續發展區域之市區機場與市區機場對飛航線。在區域市區機場對飛航線之成形下,都會區雙機場之市場範圍與規模、雙機場之市場區隔與功能定位、彼此之競合關係,及探究區域市區機場對飛航線具備多少市場發展潛力,即成為值得深入研究與解析之課題。過去相關機場市場研究以機場選擇研究為主,以個體選擇模式、旅客偏好實證分析航空旅運市場;而解析性市場範圍分析,則較個體選擇模式研究更能分析機場市場涵蓋範圍與區隔。然而,尚少研究針對於同一城市對航線市場中不同機場對之選擇進行分析,且針對亞洲都會區雙機場之區域機場對選擇與其市場範圍分析,確為值得研究之重要課題。 本研究主要針對一都會區雙機場中之市區機場發展區域市區機場對飛航線進行市場範圍區隔分析,並以松山機場發展亞洲黃金四角航線進行實證分析,其模式的結果測試被證明是接近吻合實際市場佔有率的。本研究以解析性概念模式及連續性網路分析方法為基礎,進一步將個體選擇偏好與時間價值分配之實證調查結果整合於解析性之市場範圍區隔模式中,透過同一「城市對」航線市場中不同「機場對」之一般化旅行成本比較關係與解析模式推導,以及運用連續性網路方法推估雙機場之市場範圍區隔與市區機場之涵蓋範圍與運量規模。透過本研究模式分析結果,推估松山機場於亞洲區域市區機場對飛航線啟航後在這些亞洲城市對市場中能與桃園國際機場分配到多少市場、雙機場間之市場範圍區隔與市場規模。再透過情境分析與敏感度測試,探討重要參變數之影響,並推論雙機場市場區隔策略意涵以及機場發展參考。研究結果顯示,時間價值越高、出發可及時間縮短、到達接駁時間縮短,會較偏向選擇松山機場,透過本研究分析可瞭解松山機場的市場涵蓋範圍以臺北市為主要核心,推論其定位應朝向以商務旅客並提升可及性為主要發展。


The roles of a metropolis’ two airports have changed. Many years ago, due to urban development, airport noise regulation, and traffic congestion, major metropolises built new international airports and transformed existing city airports into domestic airports. But more recently, this pattern of “one domestic airport, one international airport” for major metropolises has been changed. Their city airport has been redefined as a regional airport, now allows direct flights to other capital city airports, which takes advantage of city airport’s proximity to the city. As the development of Asia city-to-city airport pair flights, market analysis for those metropolises’ two airports has become an important issue in air transportation and geography fields. Previous studies on analyzing airport market share mostly used discrete choice-based passengers’ airport choice models. Another approach used analytical model on estimating market boundaries of airport. However, few studies discussed airport-pair market and estimate market catchment for city-to-city airport pair flights in Asia. This study focuses on analyzing market area and distribution of a metropolis’ two airports for regional city-to-city airport pair flights. This study integrates empirical preference study in analytical market area approach. Analytical formulations are developed for estimating market area boundaries of a metropolis’ two airports (one major international airport, one minor city airport). This study also uses continuous network approach to estimate the catchment area and market size of the city airport for city-to-city airport-pair markets. A case study with airport-pair flights among Taipei Songshan Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, and Tokyo Haneda Airport is provided to illustrate the results and the application of the proposed models. The performances of the calibrated models are tested and proven to be in good agreement with the actual market shares of air passenger turnovers. Market area and market size of Songshan Airport for those Asia city-pair markets will be determined. Sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis are also discussed. The numerical results showed that the higher the value of time, the shorter the access and egress time, the more stimulation for passengers tending to choose the Songshan Airport. In addition, it is envisaged that the results of this study not only provide a better understanding on how to estimate market area and catchment distribution of a metropolis’ two airports but also may shed light on city airport development.


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