  • 學位論文


A Study on All-out Defence Education of the Senior High Schools in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王高成


全民國防教育自99學年度起,列為高中(職)學校一年級的必修科目,針對學分數的降低,授課時數的減少,欲從第一線執行的軍訓教官瞭解其工作意見,以提出精進作法。 本研究透過訪談,瞭解軍訓教官對於課程名稱及授課內容、學分數及授課時數、學校支持開設選修的程度、軍訓教官在校園的定位、教師資格取得的必要性、影響學生學習成效及興趣的原因,以及多元活動結合授課的作法等看法及建議作為。 研究顯示,過半的受訪者對於課程名稱的改變與內容的規劃,抱持肯定的態度。更甚者,受訪者反而結合更多元的教學活動,透過不同方式來宣導全民國防教育理念,以求在教學領域上更顯精進,以補足學分數降低、授課時數減少之差距。 唯現行作法雖不影響軍訓教官的授課資格,但在法源上未賦予軍訓教官取得教師資格,其擔憂未來的校園定位之不確定性,反而是軍訓教官深埋在心中的顧慮。


Since the 99th school year, the All-out Defense Education, which is a required course of the first grade in high (vocational) school, has caused the reduction of course credits, and teaching hours. Due to the above-mentioned reasons, we need to understand the opinions from the military instructors who actually teach these courses in school, so that we can put forward good suggestions. In this paper, via interviewing military instructors to get their viewpoints and recommended actions, we’re going to examine “the change of the title of Course and Course content, reduction of course credits and number of teaching hours, the campus positioning, the necessity of obtaining the qualification of school teaching, reasons of learning effectiveness and interests, integration of the activity within the course. ” Studies have shown that half of the respondents hold a positive attitude of the change of the title of Course and Course content. Moreover, most of the respondents fill the gap from reducing course credits and teaching hours by integrating the activity within the course and different ways to teach the course “All-out Defense Education.” Although the current status will not affect the qualifications of the teaching of military instructors, the proper source of law for military instructors to get the qualification of school teaching has not yet been found. And this makes them concern deeply in their mind about the uncertainty of the position on campus in the future.



