  • 學位論文


The Parliament Liaison Mechanism in Military Division-A Case Study of the Military Procurement of CAF

指導教授 : 劉淑惠




The research paper in order to explore the process of the executive and legislative interaction, living in military departments responsible for promoting major defense policy, playing a critical role in the delicate relations with Congress or even the contact person's role and function of the problem and then extended to the entire Congress, liaison mechanism ; First, the military departments (Administration) and Congress (legislative) between the operation of the ecosystem, as is the analysis of the basic background of Congress, contacts, which then further to observe and discuss, contact the Congress, was given the task, and the play the role and influence. In this study, literature review, based on depth interviews with the spindle, the Air Force's military procurement, supplemented by case studies, hoping to achieve the following purposes: 1.Congress, to establish military liaison's role. 2.Sophisticated organization of professional norms and liaison mechanism. 3.Makes specific recommendations for Congress, military liaison reference improve. Congress, our country military institutions as liaison mechanism established democracies than late in the representative political system of China's military institutions should have the attitudes and practices, and make specific recommendations that, in order to provide our country military institutions in the face of Parliament liaison and communication, the proposed mode of operation to be followed.


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