  • 學位論文


A case study of the influence of visual design course on students’ visual literacy

指導教授 : 鄭宜佳


視覺素養的提升可幫助對訊息意義的解讀,且視覺素養的重要性已逐漸被國內外所接受,並被認為是可訓練、培養的一種能力。本研究旨在了解透過視覺設計課程對大學生視覺素養的影響,以個案大學教育科技系學生為研究對象,採測驗的方式,瞭解研究對象在視覺設計課程前後,其視覺認知是否提升,並透過問卷調查了解研究對象對於視覺設計原則運用自評的情形。視覺設計課程以Lohr (2008)提出之PAT理論為授課主要內容,測驗部份對應課程內容進行編制,以測量視覺設計課程前後研究對象認知變化,並以自評問卷蒐集資料,了解學習者自評對視覺設計原則的運用能力。 測驗研究結果顯示在視覺設計課程後,整體分數上升,並達到顯著差異,顯示學習者的視覺素養的提升。在原則、活動構面整體上升,達到顯著差異,且構面下各項目分數皆提升,且達到顯著差異,顯示學習者在視覺設計課程後,對原則及活動認知程度的提升。惟工具構面在視覺設計課程後,整體分數雖上升,但前後測未達顯著差異,構面下之項目包括排版、深度,在實驗處理後,分數提高,達到顯著差異;在色彩及空間,實驗處理後,分數微幅增加,但未達顯著差異;而圖形工具在實驗處理後,分數下降,並達顯著差異。 問卷結果各題項平均分數皆達4分以上,顯示學習者皆認同對於運用視覺設計原則能力。90.46%研究對象認為課程是有助學習的,而針對課程意見66.66%研究對象認為課程內容無須改進,其它意見則為可提供更多範例、講解速度稍快、部分內容講解不夠清楚、講解課程時間稍短、課程內容可再有趣一些、講者可再活潑一點並管理秩序、學過了沒太大吸引力、課程另人想睡覺等。 比較測驗與問卷結果,發現部分項目有不一致現象,包括測驗分數高自評分數低、測驗分數低自評分數高。教師教學過程中,可幫助學習者了解自己程度,藉由在課程中提供圖像使學習者進行合作學習,並使學習者共同討論分析,以了解並發現自己所能與不能,藉此增進對視覺設計原則的認知並提升視覺素養。在課程內容部份,可增加範例,並針對學習者測驗分數較低的部份進行加強,另外亦可提供實作課程,以增強對視覺設計原則的應用。對未來研究,研究工具可利用其他視覺思考軟體,以協助課程或測驗。對於不同研究對象,可利用Christophen(1997)對各學系視覺素養課程重要性及精熟程度的調查,以設計符合程度之課程。就視覺設計課程內容而言,可根據研究對象的起點能力,參考其他視覺設計原則,規劃適合的視覺設計課程。


視覺素養 視覺設計


Improving visual literacy becomes more and more important nowadays because it can enhance interpretation of graphics. While visual literacy can be improved by training, the purpose of this study was to explore the influence of visual design principles on students’ visual literacy. The content of the visual deign principle lesson and the visual design principle test were developed based on Lohr’s (2008) visual design framework. In addition, a self-rated survey was created to determine how participants perceive their visual design abilities. Findings in this study revealed that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test on the visual design principle test. Students’ visual literacy was enhanced through the visual design principle lesson. For the aspects of principle and activity, significant differences were also found between pre- and post-tests. For the aspect of tool, no significant difference was found. On the contrary, students performed significantly worse on shape after the lesson. The average ratings for each item in the self-rated survey were over 4, indicating that participants perceived that they possess visual design abilities. Responses in the open-ended questions suggested that over 90% of participants felt that the lesson was really helpful to them and 66.66% of participants stated that there is no need to revise the lesson. Other opinions included provide more examples, speed up the lecture, explain the concepts in more details, lengthen the lecture time, arouse participants’ interests, and so forth. When comparing test scores to ratings in the self-rated survey, it was discovered that the results were not consistent. For example, students high in test scores might rate themselves low in the self-rated survey, and vice versa. To improve students perceiving their ability of visual desing, instructors can conduct cooperative learning to facilitate reciprocal teaching and tutoring. Furthermore, hands-on activities should be utilized to give students more opportunities to apply the visual design principles. For future studies, researchers can use other visual thinking software to deliver the lesson or test. As for the test, further research should increase the number of question items and subjects to improve reliability. In terms of designing lessons for participants in different fields, refer to Christophen’s (1997) study which explored the importance of visual literacy in different disciplines. With regard to the structure of the lesson, future research can organize appropriate content base on students’ prior knowledge.


visual design visual literacy


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