  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Hospital Nurse Managers’Job Stress and Job Stress Coping Strategies

指導教授 : 徐 明 儀 尹 裕 君




The purpose of this study is to explore the hospital nurse managers job stress level and their coping strategies, as well as the relationships between demographics job stress and coping strategies. This study uses a cross-section survey. The subjects of this study included 275 nurse managers working in medical centers and regional hospitals in Central Taiwan. Their managerial positions include: chief of the nursing department, vice-director of the nursing department, superviser, head nurse, and assistant head nurse. Research instruments included demographic data questionnaire, job stress questionnaire and coping strategies questionnaire. Demographic data was analyzed using independet t-test and one-way ANOVA methods. The results of this study were as follow: Firstly, job stress level was using 5 point Liker scale, 5 is the highest stress level. Nurse managers reported stress level from the following 4 dimemsions: Workload (3.42 points), professional knowledge (2.83 points), role stress (2.51 points), interpersonal relationship (2.13 points). Secondly, results from relationship between individual demographic backgrounds and job stress level shown that job stress is significantly related to age, education level, type of hospital, years of employment, and age when first accepting a nurse management position. It is not significantly related to marital status, management position, or pursuit of advanced studies. Third ,coping strategies level was using 5 point Liker scale, 5 is the most used method coping strategies . Nurse managers reported coping strategies level from the following 4 dimemsions: rational thinking(4.13 points), problem-solving(3.95 points), support seeking(3.70 points), and emotional adjustment(3.15 points). Fourth, results from Relationship between individual demographic backgrounds and coping with job stress: How nurse managers cope with job stress is significantly related to education level and management position. There are no differences between age, marital status, type of hospital, pursuit of advanced studies, and length of employment when coping with job stress. We advice hospitals will more widely acknowledge the job stress faced by nurse managers and use the suggestions from our study to employ positive job environment changes in an effort to reduce job stress and promote the general well-being of its workers.


Nurse Managers Job Stress Coping Strategies


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