  • 學位論文


To explore the affecting factors of family relation for social welfare institutions serving clients with chronic mental illness.

指導教授 : 翁慧圓


依據身心障礙者權益保障法,我國慢性精神病患與其他類別之身心障礙者享有同等權利。據此,精障者可接受政府補助安置於機構之內,惟其與原生家庭關係之變化尚未有實證研究分析相關影響因素。基於正向家庭關係已經實證有助於精障者復健,本研究針對家庭關係變化因素進行探究。本研究後透過立意取樣,以中部某長期安置精障者之社會福利機構進行質性研究,觀察對象計8個家庭。 研究結果發現精障者安置機構後僅少數家庭可朝正向發展家庭關係,影響家庭關係之因素可以分為個人特質、家庭內在、家庭外在三面向,家庭關係非單一因素可影響且各因素相互影響,以及機構作為可重新連結家庭關係。本研究建議透過機構主動協助、調整法令政策、善用社會教育、落實強制執行等四項作以為強化精障者與原生家庭關係。


According people with disabilities rights protection act,patients with chronic mental illness have the same right with different disability from people in Taiwan. The variation of family relation have not proved by evidence after patients with chronic mental illness lives in the institution and who have government subsidy. According positive family relation can improve rehabilitation that has been confirmd by psychiatry. This study well analysis the factors of variation of family relation.Qualitative research is undertaken in this study. This study is purposive sampling. This study has researched into social welfare institutions in central Taiwan. This study observed 8 cases. Major findings from this study are including: 1、 Few patient with chronic mental illness when they are taken care in social welfare institutions whom have good family relation difficult. 2、 Family relations including the patient's characteristics, the factors in family, and the factors in social environments. 3、Family relations caused of many reasons,each reason influences others. 4、Social welfare institutions services can improve family relation. This study suggests four actions to improve family relation : 1、Social welfare institutions can help patient communicate with family members active. 2、TO adjust Social welfare policy. 3、According social education let family members to support others members. 4、To be forcefully implemented family members to support others members indeed.


王盈彬、郭千哲、方勇駿、李國平、林秀縵、陳喬琪、李明濱(2004)。非計劃性出院的精神分裂病人之臨床特徵。台灣精神醫學,第18卷第3 期,頁:207-214。
