  • 學位論文

校園營造、教師工作滿意度與學生學習成就關係之研究—以TIMSS 2015臺灣資料為例

A Study on the Relationships among Campus Management, Teacher Job Satisfaction and Student Achievement -The Example of Taiwan in TIMSS 2015

指導教授 : 湯志民


本研究旨在探討校園營造、教師工作滿意度與學生學習成就的關聯性。本研究採用次級資料分析法,以臺灣四年級教師與學生為對象,採用教育成就評鑑國際協會(The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, IEA)2015年國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查(Trends in Mathematics and Science Study, TIMSS)資料,其中教師計342人,學生計4291人。以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及結構方程模式等統計方法加以分析。研究結論如下: 一、校園營造現況達高程度,以「教室整潔」題目表現最佳。 二、教師工作滿意度現況達高程度,以「職業內容」及「意義目的」題目表現最佳。 三、學生學習成就現況達高程度,以「數」內容領域表現最佳。 四、男性、29歲以下、專科或大學畢業、服務年資6年至10年之教師知覺校園營造程度較高。 五、29歲以下及50歲以上、服務年資10年以下之教師工作滿意度較高。 六、女性、30至39歲、碩士或博士畢業、服務年資11年至15年教師之學生學習成就較高。 七、校園營造與教師工作滿意度具有低度正相關,即校園營造程度愈高,教師工作滿意度亦愈高。 八、校園營造與學生學習成就具有低度正相關,即校園營造程度愈高,學生學習成就亦愈高。 九、觀察資料與校園營造、教師工作滿意度與學生學習成就之模型適配度尚可。 十、校園營造對學生學習成就之影響有直接效果,教師工作滿意度未具有校園營造對學生學習成就影響之中介效果。 根據研究結論提出建議,供教育行政主管機關、學校教育人員及未來研究之參考: 一、提升校園營造可從「教室整潔」著手,並由「校舍整修」改善。 二、提升教師工作滿意度可從「職業內容」及「意義目的」著手,並由「教師滿意」及「工作啟發」改善。 三、增加女性、40至49歲、最高學歷為碩士或博士畢業及服務年資21年以上教師參與校園營造相關計畫規劃及執行之機會,並辦理成果說明會。 四、建立雙向溝通平臺瞭解40至49歲及服務年資21年以上教師工作期許及需求,配合改善工作條件並適度調整工作內容。 五、初任教師研習納入工作啟發主題,並盤整校內資源,提供男性、29歲以下、最高學歷為專科或大學畢業及服務年資5年以下教師充足科技資源。 六、積極落實校園營造,以改善教師工作滿意度。 七、將使用者參與精神納入校園營造,以改善學生學習成就。 八、對未來研究之建議:研究對象、研究變項及研究方法。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among campus management, teacher job satisfaction and student achievement. Secondary data analysis was used to analyze the data from the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) with 342 teachers and 4,291 students in the fourth grade in Taiwan. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and structural equation modeling. The conclusions were as follows: 1. Campus management has reached a high level, with the best score on "classrooms cleaned". 2. Teacher job satisfaction has reached a high level, with the best scores on "content profession" and "meaning and purpose". 3. Student achievement has reached a high level, with the best score in the "Number" mathematics content domains. 4. Teachers who were male, under the age of 29, with Bachelor’s, Short-cycle tertiary or Post-secondary degrees and 6 to 10 years of teaching experience had a higher level of perception on campus management. 5. Teachers who were under the age of 29 and over the age of 50 and under 10 years of teaching experience had a higher level of teacher job satisfaction. 6. Teachers who were female, between the ages of 30 and 39, with Doctorate or Master’s degrees, and 11 to 15 years of teaching experience had a higher level of student achievement. 7. There was a low positive correlation between campus management and teacher job satisfaction, and the higher level of campus management, the higher level of teacher job satisfaction. 8. There was a low positive correlation between campus management and student achievement, and the higher level of campus management, the higher level of the student achievement. 9. Observation data were acceptable for model fit with the model of campus management, teacher job satisfaction and student achievement. 10. Campus management had a direct effect on student achievement, while teacher job satisfaction did not have a mediating effect between campus management and student achievement. Based on the above conclusions, this study proposes recommendations for the educational administration authority, school educators, and future research: 1. Campus management can be improved by "classrooms cleaned" and "building repair". 2. Teacher job satisfaction can be improved by "content profession" and "meaning and purpose", and by "satisfied teacher" and "inspires". 3. To increase the opportunities for teachers who are female, between the ages of 40 and 49, with Doctorate or Master’s degrees, and over 21 years of teaching experience to participate in the planning and implementation of campus management-related projects, and to hold presentations on the results. 4. Build a two-way communication platform to understand job expectations and needs of teachers who are between the ages of 40 and 49 and over 21 years of teaching experience, improve working conditions and adjust job descriptions appropriately. 5. Add "inspires" topic to in-service training of beginning teachers, and school resources are organized to provide adequate technology resources for teachers who are male, under the age of 29, with Bachelor’s, Short-cycle tertiary or Post-secondary degrees and under 5 years of teaching experience. 6. Actively implement campus management to improve teacher job satisfaction. 7. Incorporate participatory design into campus management to improve student achievement. 8. Recommendations for future research: research subjects, research variables, and research methods.


任宗浩(2011)。研究設計與資料分析。載於張俊彥(主編),TIMSS 2007 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查國家報告(頁69-98)。臺北市:師大科教中心。
