  • 學位論文


Parameter Design and Dynamic Modeling for Electric Vehicle With Multi-Power Sources

指導教授 : 黃國修


目前市售電動車輛最大的問題在於續航力不足、電池使用壽命短,且因充電設施不完善,實用性無法提升,本研究為提高電動車輛的續航力、電池使用壽命與改善電池充電不便的問題,提出多電源電動車輛動力系統架構。當車輛運作在低速、低負載或市區行駛等狀態,車輛動力主要以蓄電池提供;當車輛運作在高速、高負荷等狀態,超級電容器可協助提供急加速功率需求與回收富餘再生制動能量;當車輛切換至遠程行駛模式,加裝可快拆/結增程電能模組作為輔助動力源,提供原電動車輛增程動力。 本研究透過數值分析模擬軟體Matlab及圖像化系統模擬軟體Simulink實現多電源電動車輛動態模型,接著以可視化邏輯系統建模軟體Stateflow建立可即時調變最佳電能控制策略。最終測試模擬結果,多電源電動車輛市區/遠程/高速模式下均符合國內電動車輛行車型態標準規範CNS15513 D1080,且達到預期的動力性能目標。


Due to the fact that inadequate endurance, short battery life and lagged charging equipment have been unresolved issues among the electric vehicles commercially available, and therefore, make it hard to replace gasoline cars. In order to overcome the difficulties above, this research manages to propose a dynamic system framework for electric vehicles with multi-power sources. When the vehicle’s running slowly with low load and steady power variation, the batteries themselves contribute overall power; when it’s running fast with high load and drastic power variation, supercapacitors could help accelerate and recycle excess regenerative energy, when it turns on the driving mode for long distance, the range extender module of rapid disassembly/assembly would provide enough power for it to go further. Here in the research, with Matlab and Simulink, we successfully established the dynamics model and created real-time optimal controlling strategies for electrical power by Stateflow. The whole simulation and final test results had measured up to the standard CNS15513 D1080, and also achieved the expected dynamic performance.


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