  • 學位論文


Study of Special Trackwork Construction Management Strategy - Taipei MRT System as Example

指導教授 : 張寬勇


特殊軌道為軌道整體工程中屬相當專業且關鍵之項目,亦是保證列車安全運行之重要設施,其中除與介面標關聯甚多外,而其施工品質影響行車的安全性及乘客的舒適度也非常大,並且在軌道工程施工中屬要徑作業,更因常為施工動線樞紐,故如何縮短施工時程,並能維持一定之品質,實攸關整個捷運軌道工程之成敗關鍵。由於特殊軌道相較於一般軌道具有型式多樣、構造複雜、使用壽年短、限制列車速度、行車安全性較低及養護維修投入大等特點,因此如何增長特殊軌道使用年限及維持基本的行車安全是軌道工程之重要課題。無論是道碴道床特殊軌道、無道碴道床特殊軌道或是浮動式道床特殊軌道之施作,其每一步驟及流程均有嚴格之要求,但若依其施工管理程序按部就班且嚴格控管其施工品質及精度,均能化繁為簡且滿足車輛於軌道運行中安全與舒適性之需求。 本論文以臺北都會區大眾捷運系統特殊軌道之施工為例,就其以往實際施作之經驗為基礎,並由文獻回顧與專家建議中研擬出特殊軌道施工之各項管理策略,而分別將應用於臺北捷運系統之各式特殊軌道之施工管理,就其施工過程從介面、工法、設計與材料之選購,到現場的施工各環節進行評估與研析,擬定出最佳之重點管理策略,並提出最終之建議與結論,以期能做為爾後國內捷運軌道執行專案之參考。


Special track is not only a specialized and critical item in track work but also an important facility that ensures train operation safety as well. Besides a great deal of interface relevance with other subsystems, the quality of special track may also influence operation safety and train comfort for passengers. Special track is usually a critical path activity and construction logistic hub; therefore, how to shorten construction duration and maintain a certain quality is the key to success of MRT track work. Unlike normal track, special track has some distinguishing features such as various types, complicated structure, shorter service life, limited train speed, lower operation safety and higher maintenance needs, so how to prolong service life and maintain basic operation safety is a critical issue of trackwork engineering. No matter in the area of ballasted track, direct fixation track or floating slab track, the construction of special track should follow certain step-by-step procedures, each of which has strict requirements. If the step-by-step construction management procedures are followed and the quality and accuracy of the construction are seriously controlled, special track installation procedures could be simplified, the safety requirements and comfort when train operating can be satisfied. Taking Taipei MRT special track as an example and the past construction experience as a base, this study proposes the management strategies for special track construction by reviewing references and consulting specialists. In terms of ballasted track, DF track and floating slab track, respectively, in Taipei MRT system, the optimal management strategies and final suggestion/conclusion are proposed by considering the construction processes, including interface, method, design and procurement, and by evaluating each step of the construction. I hope that this study could be one of the references for the execution of metro system trackwork construction in Taiwan in the future.


