  • 學位論文


The Application of Configuration Management in MRT MEP Project

指導教授 : 林祐正


型態管理(Configuration Management, CM)乃指應用技術與行政的指導及監督方式,建立一套有效率的制度來管理型態項目及相關文件,其主要的工作包括:型態辨識、變更管制、現況描述與型態稽核。在國內外重大工程如國防武器發展、核能發電廠、大眾捷運系統及高速鐵路等龐大且複雜化系統的研發過程中皆已應用型態管理模式。這些系統發展過程中潛藏著許多不確定性因素,如設計及施工變更、技術要求、顧客需求及供應商能力等都可能在發展過程中隨著時間與情況而改變。以捷運工程為例,系統承商應進行型態管理以保證最終產品之品質符合業主需求之規定,並將興建發展過程所建立的型態管理延續至營運期繼續使用,直至捷運系統生命周期結束。本研究應用型態管理導入國內捷運機電系統實務管理,在設計階段藉由型態管理方法進行變更追蹤管理,探討型態管理實務輔助工程專案管理之適用性、效益、限制及實務遭遇困難,最後提出結論與建議供後續實務應用之參考。


Configuration Management is defined as a discipline applying technical, administrative direction and surveillance to identify the document functional and physical characteristics of configuration items. It includes the following: Configuration Identification, Configuration Control, Configuration Status Accounting and Configuration Audit. The domestic major engineering construction has been or will be used configuration management modular, such as: Weapon development, Nuclear Power Plant, Rapid-Transit System, High-Speed Train System. When the processes of R&D are getting bigger and more complicated, many uncertain factors are hidden in the process. The change of design, construction, technical demand, customers’ needs and the ability of suppliers may change by time and situation. To meet the final goal of original design requirement, it need modify the scale, change designs and revise operation to maintain the complete system. As in MRT System, the E&M system contractor need to build a set of Configuration Management to ensure the final product qualities fulfill the requirements of the Employer, and continue to establish the Configure management system through the whole construction period to operation stage, until the entire life cycle of the MRT system. The study use configuration management into domestic MRT system project management, during the design stage to tracing change management, to discuss the reliability, efficiency, benefit, limit and difficulty of configuration management in Project control. Then develop the conclusion and advise for future project control as a practical reference


Configuration Management MRT E&M System


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