  • 學位論文


Business Model Integrating Social Responsibility and Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) - A Case Study of the Everest Textile in Taiwan

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


在聯合國千禧年發展目標中,將消除貧窮列為首要執行計畫,說出貧窮問題一直是困擾世界經濟與社會發展的突出議題,消弭貧困可說是人類最大的挑戰。近年來一些有遠見的跨國企業,發展創新商業模式來協助脫貧,也將企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)整合到公司的營運策略,達到窮人生活福祉提升,企業也有盈利的雙贏局面。 藉由廣泛文獻探討國外企業以創新與永續的商業模式開拓金字塔底層(Base/Bottom of the Pyramid, BOP)市場,本研究提出企業發展BOP市場之商業模式成功關鍵因素,包括創造價值、顧客需求、策略資源、經營策略、營收機制、群聚發展、永續能力等七大面向,以此探討個案經營臺灣BOP市場之商業模式。研究顯示個案在策略資源-擁有紡織關鍵技術及創新研發能力;經營策略-以造福金字塔底層為使命及利他企業理念經營品牌形象,透過差異化經營凸顯與其他平價品牌的區隔;群聚發展-積極復興臺灣成衣產業鏈;永續能力-企業經營以永續的思維來規劃,並發掘可投入的議題等四個面向上占有相對優勢,惟在創造價值、顧客需求及營收機制等三點,應積極回應於滿足BOP實際需求之做法。 最後提出若干具體的建議,供企業對發展BOP市場之參考,在全球化競爭壓力下,此能讓企業與大環境邁向永續發展相互結合之作法,是國內企業可積極投入的藍海策略。


Among UN Millennium Development Goals, the elimination of poverty is listed as the first priority (or one of the priorities). It shows that poverty has long been an acute issue that bothers the world economy and interferes with social developments. In recent years, a number of multinational enterprises with visions have developed and reinvented new business models to help the socio-economically deprived get rid of their poverty. They helped the poor improve their living standards and create a win-win situation both for the poor and companies by incorporating their social responsibilities to their corporate management strategies. Through extensive research exploring how international businesses probed and developed BOP markets via reinvented and sustainable business models, this study finds that crucial factors such as created values, satisfying demands, strategic resources, management strategies, revenue mechanism, clusters developments and sustainable development, help contribute the successes of various creative models of BOP. Based on these factors, this study explores individual companies’ abilities of renovation and development. It also examines the management strategies of the cases in study—how the company builds its brand image by mission to benefit the Base/Bottom of the Pyramid, BOP and by its altruistic enterprise concept, and how the company stands out from other par brands via differences in management. How the factor of cluster industrial development plays a role in the renaissance of Taiwanese garment industry’s chain supply and how their sustainable ability plays a part in the policy planning of the enterprises and the discovery of significant issues that can involve enterprises are also discussed in the study. However, all the practice shall actively response to satisfy the real needs of BOP in three aspects as creating values, satisfying demands and the revenue mechanism. In the final chapter, a number of constructive advices are made for businesses to develop BOP markets. Under the global competitions, the suggestions should be able to help blend enterprises and their surrounding ecosystems towards sustainable developments and can be utilized as a part of Blue Ocean Strategies that the domestic corporations devote to.


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