  • 學位論文


Study on Characteristics of Sintered MSWI Flyash with Microwave Digestion Treatment

指導教授 : 章裕民


現有的焚化飛灰處理技術中,以高溫燒結法最具有將焚化飛灰資源化的潛力。然而燒結的過程中所產生的二次燒結飛灰會可能會因為重金屬蒸發的影響而產生濃縮、增稠的現象,導致其戴奧辛與重金屬之含量遠高於焚化飛灰。目前對於二次燒結飛灰所知甚少,故本研究以二次燒結飛灰作為研究的對象。 本研究之目的是針對二次燒結飛灰的基本性質進行了解,並且藉由微波輔助酸消化方式處理二次燒結飛灰,以期降低戴奧辛之含量,使之無害化再行資源化處理。據實驗結果可獲知二次燒結飛灰屬於高鹼性物質,平均pH值約為11.18;在物理性質方面,二次燒結飛灰的水分佔5.12%,固定碳佔4.87%;化學成分方面以CaO的含量為最多;重金屬全含量方面則以鉛之含量為最多,其次為鋅與銅之含量;毒性溶出試驗(TCLP)方面,以重金屬鉛之溶出量最多,其次為銅與鋅之溶出量;微波酸解處理方面,在800W、160℃、固液比1/20、酸液濃度為H2SO4(8.9M)+ HNO3(7.8M)之實驗條件下,戴奧辛之破壞效率可達91.43%,顯示以強酸酸解對於戴奧辛的破壞有正面的幫助。 整體而言,隨著酸液濃度提高,經微波酸解處理後的二次燒結飛灰之重量溶失率也越高,但無論所添加混和酸液之濃度高或低,二次燒結飛灰的重量溶失率均達91%以上。


In all processing technologies for incineration flyash, the sintered processing is the most possible to turn incineration flyash into sources. However, the content of heavy metal and Dioxin in sintered MSWI flyash which generated in the sintering process is higher than incineration flyash by the evaporation of heavy metals and the synthesis of Dioxin in the sintered process. To understand the characteristics of sintered MSWI fly ash, so the object of this study is sintered MSWI flyash. This study explored the characteristics of sintered incineration flyash, and processed the sintered MSWI flyash by microwave digestion treatment (MDT). According to the results of experiments in this study, the sintered MSWI flyash was high alkaline substance. The average pH of sintered MSWI flyash was about 11.18. The water content of sintered MSWI flyash was about 5.12%. And the fixed carbon of sintered MSWI flyash was about 4.87. In chemical composition, CaO was the highest component of sintered MSWI flyash. The highest content of heavy metals in sintered MSWI flyash was lead, then zinc and copper. And the results of sintered MSWI flyash TCLP (toxicity characteristics leaching procedure) test showed that the highest heavy metal concentration was dissolved for lead than copper and zinc. When the MDT experimental conditions were 800 W, liquid-solid ratio 1/20, digested acids H2SO4 (8.9M) + HNO3 (7.8M), the efficiency of destroying Dioxin could reach 91.41%. The result showed that it was helpful to destroy Dioxin by MDT. Overall, when the concentration of acid increased, the weight-loss ratio of sintered MSWI flyash also increased. But whatever the concentration of acid was high or low, the weight-loss ratio of sintered MSWI fly ash was more than 91%.


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