  • 學位論文


Statistical Analysis and Energy Saving Improvement for Elderly Care Institutions

指導教授 : 蔡尤溪


本論文調查台灣本島之老人福利機構建築數量、規模及類型等,發現其數量達到一千家以上,並統計分析其結果,從中選取12案例進行現場探訪,調查各案例機構之空調設備、熱水系統、使用行為等,並進行簡易的空氣品質量測,最後評估該機構是否有空氣品質、設備耗能及通風不足等問題。整理現場探訪調查結果,並計算出12案例機構之EUI值,分析各案例之設備、使用行為、通風等與EUI值間的關係。再從這12案例機構中選取其中2機構,並以建築能源模擬軟體eQUEST進行實際耗能模擬,以目標機構實際電費單來比較此耗能模型的準確性,最後依此耗能模型進行建築節能改善,比較此2案例機構之耗能改善前後所節省的耗能量及金錢。 調查結果顯示,都市化程度越高之地區,其老人福利機構之數量也越多。而從現勘12案例機構之EUI值分析結果得知,空調設備之效率、熱水使用之系統、建築使用行為及建築通風都與EUI值有直接的關係。而eQUEST模擬改善結果顯示,案例一將空調系統改為中央空調系統、加裝外氣風機,並將熱水系統改為熱泵熱水器後,全年花費金額可減少850,758元,相當於節省了39.1%的費用,案例二將空調設備更換成新型、高效率之吊隱式分離冷氣機、在頂樓加裝隔熱板及加裝排風風機,並將熱水系統改為熱泵熱水器後,全年花費金額可減少85,238元,相當於節省了19.8%的費用。研究顯示老人福利機構具有甚大的節能潛力,以空調、熱水、通風及隔熱為主要。


This study undertook a survey of the elderly care institution in Taiwan and found that there are more a thousand in total numbers. Statistical analysis of the distribution of the size and the type of healthcare is presented. Field study was carried out for twelve of the institutions. Data and information about the air-conditioning equipment, the hot water system, the usage and the air quality were collected or measured. The energy utility intensity (EUI) for these twelve institutions was also analyzed for its relation to the above factors. The results of dynamic energy modeling done for two of the cases showed a good agreement with the actual electric energy use. The benefits of energy saving measures were then modeled for these two institutions. The research results show that higher urbanization areas have more elderly care institutions. It was found from the twelve field study cases that EUI is related to the efficiency of air-conditioning, the hot water system, and behavior of energy use and the natural ventilation. The dynamic energy model showed that for case 1 when the central air-conditioning was fitted with outdoor air control and heat pump hot water, annual saving of NT 850,758 can be saved, corresponds to 39.1% of saving. For case 2 air-conditioning was replaced with high-efficiency ceiling split system, roof insulation was improved, exhaust fan was added and the hot water was changed to heat pump system. It was found that the annual cost can be reduced by NT $ 85,238, equivalent to 19.8% of cost savings. This study shows that elderly institutions have high potential of energy saving, especially for air-conditioning, hot water, natural ventilation and building insulation.


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