  • 學位論文


A Study on the Variation of Official Buildings of Taipei (1875-1895)

指導教授 : 張崑振


光緒元年(1875)臺北府治設立之後,於艋舺與大稻埕間的空地創建臺北府城。清法戰爭以後,臺灣建省,由劉銘傳任首任福建臺灣巡撫,並長駐於臺北,1895 年臺灣因甲午戰爭戰敗割讓給日本,同年6月臺北城即遭占據。臺北從設立府治、建省到割日,其建設發展短短二十一年,卻因政治、軍事、經濟等因素,迅速地從農地建設成為兼具傳統行政與洋務運動特色的複合型城市。日治初期,城內清代官署身分的建築,多數經維修後繼續延用,直到殖民統治的政權穩定,另外新建建物以後,清代建築才陸續遭到拆除與改建。 本研究嘗試以文獻史料的記載,就清代臺北城內官署建築進行考證。建築史方面,首先釐清臺北城的發展脈絡,探究城內官署建築的興建沿革與變遷,並論述日治初期清代官署建築的繼承與消失;建築方面,以日治初期俱準確性、科學性的歷史圖說影像,解析城內官署建築的配置、格局及其形貌,進而討論城內官署建築的特色。研究指出,臺北府城廓的擇址,不同於傳統建構在地方聚落之上,而是於聚落旁的農地全新建造,如此一來產生了兩個現象,首先是各機構創立時,因尚無建築可用,故多以城內首建的考棚與舊淡水縣署建築群,充當各單位「中繼站式」的行署使用;其次是傳統設於城內的「育嬰堂」與「義倉」等單位,因服務對象多為市街民眾,故直到日治時期皆未遷入城內。 最後,當權者擁有城與官署的規劃設計權力,建省以後巡撫劉銘傳進駐城內,陸續引入福建省會的建築式樣與洋務運動等觀念,加上管理全臺經費的布政使司亦駐於城中,府城實質上已轉變成為臨時省會,並產生了更加貼近於清代官署規制的官署,此舉至日本政權時亦同。


清代 臺北 府城 官署建築


The Taipei city architectural establishments were constructed under the regional governor, Mr. Chen Xing-Ju back in 1880 (Guanxu 6th year).Some buildings were for educational and worshiping purposes such as Confucius schools and Confucian Temples. The following governor, Mr. Liu Ming-Chuan, then overseen the construction of the Guandi (the armed god of the official religion) Temple in 1887 (Guangxu 13th year) on the west side of the Confucian Temple. However, Under the Japanese occupation dating 1895 (Mingji 28th year), the Confucius school and the GuandiTemple buildings were gradually turned into the " Wei-Xu army hospital", the "Eighth Infantry Brigade base", and the "Mandarin schools". Furthermore, parts of the temple and surrounded buildings went on audition and sold in 1907, which then were tore down to the grounds in the following year. This article explains the researchers’ attempts of validating the changes happened to the Confucius school and the Guandi temple in the architectural history by reviewing literature and historical records. The major findings include: the creation and the usage of the Qing Dynasty architecture, and the Japanese colonial period building re-use and removal based on the Japanese colonial period visual archive. This paper shall contribute to the understandings of the Confucian educational architectural plans and the armed-god temple style architecture structural patterns and morphological outlook.


QingDynasty Taipei Variation Official buildings


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