  • 學位論文


The Development of Project Risk Assessment Model for Architecture Design

指導教授 : 邱垂昱
共同指導教授 : 林志平(Zhi-Ping Lin)


建築專案執行過程中,所隱含風險相對於其他專案顯得高而多變。建築設計為建築專案的前置規劃設計階段,為避免影響專案工期品質、財務損失、甚至後續工程爭議訴訟與刑事責任,有必要在設計階段即導入專案風險管理,以為因應與處置。 本研究依文獻回顧與運用德爾菲法及AHP層級分析法,收集建築設計階段風險因子,建立專案目標風險影響之權重,並就各影響因子予以排序,製成風險指標評估表,以供建築設計階段風險評估參考。 研究發現業主及施工廠商對於建築設計專案風險影響較大。 一、業主對專案認知與約定事項:業主是否有足夠實力及意願完成本案,契    約內容是否有不平等及不合理要求,業主是否只重視工期與造價,對於    公共安全、設計原意、工程品質或建管程序都認為不重要。 二、施工廠商:廠商是否瞭解「按圖施作」是承包廠商的天職,設計單位若    能充分體認實施風險管理之必要性,除可避免工程端之爭議,更可落實  設計的原始構想,業主對於專案的滿意度亦將大幅提昇。


Compared with non-architecture projects, the process of architecture project execution involves higher and more unpredictable risk. Architecture design is a prerequisite for any architecture project. In order to ensure construction quality, avoid financial loss, and prevent potential dispute and legal liability, it is imperative to incorporate project risk management into early design stage in architecture projects. This research aims to offer a project risk assessment model for architecture design. Applying Delphi method and analytical hierarchy process, I have gathered several risk factors for architecture design stage and ranked them according to their weight function in terms of their discrete influences on project goals. My research finding shows that clients and construction contractors are two major determining risk factors for architecture design projects: On the one hand, clients play crucial roles in determining architecture project risk. The level of risk depends on whether clients have enough financial support and willingness for project execution, whether there are unequal and unreasonable contract articles, and whether clients prioritize construction time and cost over public safety, original design plans, construction quality and/or building regulations. On the other hand, construction contractors become higher risk factors in architecture projects if they fail to understand that construction according to construction drawings is a vital responsibility of any contractor. My research suggests that recognizing the necessity of risk management execution will help avoid construction dispute, facilitate faithful implementation of original design plans, and significantly increase clients’ satisfaction degree of architecture projects.


