  • 學位論文


The Archiving System and Safety Management For the Manmade-slopes in Taipei City

指導教授 : 施邦築


臺北市三面環山,山坡地佔全市總面積之百分之五十五,為全國政經中心,由於平地高密度的利用結果,伴隨而來周邊山坡地大量的開發使用,由於先天上地質環境脆弱、坡度陡峭及土壤淺薄,加上颱風豪雨的沖刷影響,導致坡地災害頻仍,造成市民生命財產嚴重損失。 在臺北市坡地災害類型中,以邊坡崩塌災害的影響最為直接,而邊坡依開發與否,可分為自然邊坡及人工邊坡兩類,其中坡地開發過程中所構築之人工邊坡,多屬建築物或道路周邊的附屬設施,主要作為邊坡穩定使用的保護設施,而這些構造物的安全與否,直接影響到市民的生命財產安全,若能建立一個完整的邊坡安全管理方式,篩選出需優先關注邊坡,並採行有效之管理對策,以「事先防範」取代「事後救災」的方式,將能有效的降低山坡地邊坡災害發生的機率。 本研究係以臺北市山坡地人工邊坡建檔與安全管理方式為探討範圍,首先,蒐集國內外有關邊坡調查及安全評估相關文獻,對研究範疇有一定概括性瞭解後,利用其中資訊與內容進行整理分析,並探討環境、國情與我國相似之香港邊坡管理制度,提供邊坡防災管理問題分析之參考。在歸納、檢討臺北市現行邊坡安全管理及災害處理問題之癥結及困難後,提出人工邊坡建檔機制及邊坡安全管理與法令之建議,最後再以案例探討本研究成果之可行性,提供臺北市政府作為邊坡安全管理與防災之執行參考。


Taipei City is surrounded by mountains, the portion area of the slopes of whole city is about 55%. Taipei is the political and economics center of Taiwan. Because of the highly usage of the land, adjoining the slope develop. However, the geology fault, steep slope, and shallow layer of the soil, in addition the affects of the typhoons and heavy rains, disasters usually occur, and damage the properties and lives of the citizens. Among the slope hazard types, the slope collapse affects people life most directly. Depending on developing or not, the slopes are divide into nature slopes and manmade-slopes. The manmade-slopes which protect for the slopes stability are usually the additional facilities for the buildings or roads. The safety of the manmade-slopes directly affects the properties and lives of the citizens. If there is an integrated slope safety management, which could select the priority attention slopes and treatment on it in a workable strategy, prevention before disaster recovery, will efficiently mitigate the probability of the slope hazards. The study focus on the archiving system and safety management for the manmade-slopes in Taipei City. First, collect and research the papers about the slope investigation and safety assessment both in Taiwan and oversea, to get an outline understanding the scope of the study. In the following, coordinate and analysis the information, and refer to Hong-Kong slope management system, which is similar environment and culture to Taiwan, to find the reference of the slope hazard prevention management. After concluding and reviewing the critical issues, problems and difficult of the present slope safety management system in Taipei City, the study provide the suggestion of the manmade-slope archiving function, slope safety management system and related decrees. In the end, by using the case study to discuss the feasibility of the conclusion, provide the operation reference of the slope safety management and disaster prevention strategy of the Taipei City Government.


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