  • 學位論文


Improvements in Laws Prohibiting Development of Hillside Residential Areas of the City of Taipei

指導教授 : 徐世勳 孫立群


面對全球氣候變遷,天然災害潛在威脅增加,台灣山坡地利用政策改弦更張趨向保育,臺北市亦然。民國86年8月18日中度颱風 「溫妮」襲台,汐止林肯大郡順向坡上的擋土牆在風雨中崩坍滑落,造成二十八人活埋、數十人傷殘 、五百餘戶屋損,一千四百餘戶居民財產損失。臺北市政府於88年6月7日發布實施「修訂台北市山坡地開發建築要點」,規定原劃定住宅區山坡地平均坡度超過百分之三十者「不得做為建築使用,也不得計入建築面積檢討建蔽率與容積率」,且缺乏相關救濟配套,存在財產權保障及後續土地利用等諸多問題。 查現行土地使用限制與補償規定中,並未含納前述範圍;次查都市計畫法對於因法令嗣後變更或限制,致原允建土地降低開發強度甚至形同禁建,也無救濟或補償規定,實對人民缺乏「信賴保護」,並造成都市計畫即使為符合公共利益,但因缺乏配套機制,致在變更過程引起莫大阻礙。 本研究以都市永續發展及財產權保障等理論為基礎,探討臺北市住宅區山坡地政策演變、使用現況及存在問題,就財產權保障及後續土地使用合宜規劃研提促進都市規劃之公平及土地使用效率之改善構想,並透過舉辦專家座談進行修正後,提出臺北市都市計畫內住宅區山坡地遭禁建後之補救措施及後續土地使用配套之整體改善構想,以提升都市動態規劃過程中執行面之公平性,及增加土地使用效率。本研究達成下列三點成果: (一)探討臺北市山坡地政策演變歷程及現況課題。 (二)研提禁建住宅區山坡地以容積移轉保障權益之機制建議。 (三)研提引導該情形山坡地加強保育及綠化植林之構想。


Global climate change and weather extremes have prompted policymakers in Taiwan to reassess a broad range of land-use regulations in order to account for and mitigate natural disasters. Efforts to manage landslide risk became a primary concern in the wake of Typhoon Winnie. On August 18, 1997, the Category 2 Typhoon struck Taiwan with devastating force triggering flash floods and landslides. In “Lincoln County,” a community in Si-Jhih near the City of Taipei, torrential rains caused earth flows to breach the retaining wall of the high-density hillside residential area. 28 residents lost their lives and many more were injured. Some 500 houses sustained damage, and over 1,400 households reported property loss. The “Lincoln County” slope disaster quickly became a major concern of the Taiwanese government, and heavy public pressure lead to the hasty enactment of Amendments to the Hillside Slope Area Development Regulation Act by the City of Taipei on June 7, 1999. While the amendments established standards prohibiting development on hillsides with a slope gradient 30 percent or greater and limiting the possibility of calculating undeveloped land by establishing a Floor Area Ratio or by using Lot Coverage in joint lot sizing, issues related to compensation, property rights and sustainable land-use planning were not addressed. This paper aims to intervene where the amended law falls short. The concepts of sustainable urban development and property rights protection are given rightful consideration. Moreover, the application of the principles of legitimate expectation is extended so as to afford greater protection to individuals affected by the laws regulating the development of hillside areas. An overview of the history of The Residential Zoning Law of Taipei as it pertains to hillside slope areas is provided in order to ascertain current slope area use and to identify related problems. Further, the results of meetings with professionals and city officials are referenced as potential solutions for hillside use. Such historical framework and the outcome of the said meetings serve as the basis of a proposal for improving the fairness and effectiveness of the Hillside Slope Area Zoning Law so as to ensure that property rights protection and sustainable urban development are supported. The following three results were achieved: 1. Changes in the City of Taipei’s Hillside Slope Area Zoning Law and slope area land use have been tracked; 2. A Floor Area Ratio Transfer System by which to compensate land owners for property rights post “Taipei City Amendments on Hillside Slope Area Development Regulation Act of 1999” has been introduced; and 3. Solutions for environmental protection and environmental improvement in relation to slope areas where development is prohibited have been offered.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2007),State of the World's Forests.
行政院農業委員會林務局,2009。「綠色造林計畫」。網址: http://dongshih.forest.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=45181&CtNode=4290&mp=1
