  • 學位論文

以時空路徑探討高齡者步行空間與 社會支持-台北市信義區為例

The Research of Elderly People's Social Support and Walking Space by Space-time Path - A Case Study of Taipei Xinyi District

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


全球高齡化趨勢下,高齡者的問題需要被重視,台灣截至2014年1月底為止,高齡人口數占總人口數的11.57%,預估2017年會邁入高齡社會(Aged society),要使高齡族群在晚年能夠健康活躍的生活,生活環境和空間規劃勢必成為都市中重要的一環。本研究統計高齡者在都市中的步行空間與生活路徑,藉由外出活動型態、步行範圍時間與步行環境等因素,了解信義區高齡者的活動狀態與類型,並以高齡友善城市指標中的室外空間和建築(Outdoor spaces and buildings)指標來進行檢驗。 本研究以信義區22位高齡者為研究對象,以GPS紀錄、觀察法、深入訪談法等研究方法,探討高齡者外出活動類型、活動項目、場所設施、步行環境等影響因素,提出信義區步行空間需求及改善項目。研究結果發現,信義區高齡者外出步行活動類型分為: 社交型、選擇型、必要型三類,活動場所有社區活動中心、商店、菜市場、廣場、公園、醫院診所、山、教會、運動中心、公家機關、大型展覽場、台北醫學大學等場所。社交型高齡者的步行時間與距離為91分鐘/天、3531m/天;選擇型高齡的步行時間與距離為63分鐘/天、2193m/天;必要型高齡者的步行時間與距離為84分鐘/天、1686m/天。社交型步行時段為一整天,特別晚上也持續有活動,活動以社交服務為主,一日外出活動時間為4時35分;選擇型步行時段分佈也是一整天,但晚上活動於社區內,自由時間最長,沒有任何限制因素影響其活動,一日外出活動時間為3時17分;必要型步行時段分佈於上午、下午及晚上,活動範圍於社區內,一日活動外出時間為1時34分,活動時間最短。 再者發現,三種類型到達活動場所的步行時間與範圍大不相同,社交型高齡者外出步行多以交通為目的,活動場所之間的步行移動以12分鐘、675公尺為可接受範圍,若超過此範圍會選擇搭乘公車當作移動工具;選擇型高齡者外出步行以交通及休閒為目的,以交通為目的之活動場所之間的步行移動以10分鐘、343公尺為可接受範圍,其間擅長使用各種交通工具;必要型高齡者外出步行以交通及休閒兩種,以交通為目的之活動場所之間的步行移動以6分鐘、145公尺為可接受範圍。以交通為目的之步行環境需求為: 美觀、街道連通性、公共設施可及性、民生設施可近性、人行空間舒適性、安全等六項。以休閒為目的之步行環境需求為: 美觀、人行空間舒適性、民生設施可近性、開放空間可近性、大眾運動設施可及性、社會支持等六項。 另外,經過高齡者友善城市指標中的室外空間和建築指標(Outdoor spaces and buildings)檢驗信義區步行環境及公共空間,需要優先改善:友善的人行空間、安全的過路道路、人行道與自行車道、休息的地方。不友善點集中在吳興市場、忠駝國宅、信園社區及周圍環境、國父紀念館、吳興街、莊敬路及松仁路尾端等地方,需優先改善規畫。綜合高齡者的活動及社會支持條件,社交型高齡者的活動場所與步行空間需求為:公共場所交誼空間、安全連通的街道空間、公車站及公車上提供訊息性支持;選擇型高齡者的活動場所與步行空間需求為:商店騎樓休憩交流坐椅、多元的運動設施;必要型高齡者的活動場所與步行空間需求為:開放空間參與性、團體合作性的活動設施。透過以上項目的建立與改善,希望能夠增進高齡者的社會支持,進而提供高齡者友善又健康的都市活動空間。


Under the trend of global aging, the issue of elders should be paid attention. Up to January 2014, the elders popularity occupied 11.57% in Taiwan. Approximately Taiwan will step in to Aged society in 2017. In order to make the elders have a healthy and active life, the living environment and space arranging should be the important part in the urban city. This study calculates the walking space and the living path of elders by out-door activity type, walking range time and walking environment to understand the activity condition and type of elders in Xin-Yi district and also testified by the standers of Outdoor spaces and buildings in the standers of aging friendly city. This study investigates 22 elders in Xin-Yi district by GPS record, observation and deeply interviews to explore the influence factor like activity type, activity item, space equipment and walking environment of elders to propose the requirement of walking space and the improvement subjects in Xin-Yi district. This study discovered the outdoor walking activity of elders and classified as social, selecting and essentiality and the activity space like community activity center, shop, market, plaza, park, hospital, clinic, mountain, church, sports center, public authority, exhibition stadium and Taipei medical university. The social type elders’ walking time and distance is 91min/day and 3531m/day; selection type elders’ walking time and distance is 63min/day and 2193m/day; essentiality type elders’ walking time and distance is 84min/day and 1686m/day. The social type elders’ walking period is all day especially at night and most of all for the social and service for 4hr35min/day; selection type elders’ walking period is also all day but stay in community at night leaving most free time without any restrict factors to affect their activities and 3hr17min/day for outdoor activity time; essentiality type elders’ walking time is distributed at morning, afternoon and night and the range is in community for the shortest activity time 1hr34min/day. There is also discover these three type elders have different walking time and range to arrive at their activity space. The social type elders’ go out making traffic as their purpose. They can accept 12min for walking time and 675m for walking distance otherwise they will take bus for transportation. Selection type elders go out making traffic and leisure as their purpose. They can accept walking for 10min and 343m to their destination by any kind of transportation. Essentiality type elders go out walking for traffic and leisure. They can accept walking for 6min and 145m to their destination. The demand of walking environment for the traffic purpose are 6 : beautiful, street connectivity, public facility accessibility, livelihood facility accessibility, sidewalk comfort and safety. The demand of walking environment for the leisure purpose are 6 : beautiful, livelihood facility accessibility, sidewalk comfort, open space accessibility, public facility accessibility and society support. In the other hand, testified by the standers of Outdoor spaces and buildings in the standers of aging friendly city, the walking environment and public space of Xin-Yi district should priority to improve: friendly walking space, save crossing road, sidewalk for people and bike and resting place. Unfriendly spots are assemble at Wu-Xing market, Jung-Tuo country house, Xin-yuan community and the surrounding, Sun Yat-Sen memorial hall, Wu-Xing street, Juang-Jing street and the end of Song-Ren road. Summing up the condition of elder activity and society support, the demand of activity environment and walking space for social type elders are public social space, safe crossing road space, bus stop and support by the information on the bus; the demand of activity environment and walking space for selection type elders are communication chairs at shop arcade, diverse sports facility; the demand of activity environment and walking space for essential type elders are participatory to the open space, groups cooperative facility. By the setting and improving of the items above, wish it can improve the social support for elders then we can provide a friendly and healthy urban city activity space for them.


Elderly Space-time Path Walking Space Social Support


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