  • 學位論文


The Study on User Cognition of Stylization of Icon Design on the Smartphone

指導教授 : 陳圳卿


科技日新月異使產品跳脫傳統框架,人機介面設計顯得舉足輕重,特別是近幾年來智慧型手機的躍進,多點觸控式螢幕的進步帶來了許多變革,使用者介面產生新的使用者經驗。手機的高解析彩色螢幕成為產品訊息傳遞媒介的主角,使得圖像成為產品之圖形化介面中的重要元素,講究高質感展現的應用程式圖像設計成了主要的趨勢。然而,此現象與過去對於圖像的心理認知過程與在符號學背景下圖像設計以簡化手法提高辨識績效的方式卻是不同的。因此,本研究企圖瞭解智慧型手機這類螢幕較小且畫面擁擠的行動裝置介面中,圖像應以何形式設計以較符合使用者之認知與偏好。研究結果期能提供未來智慧型手機圖像設計的參考。 本研究首先藉由文獻探討擬定圖像設計的變項,包含「式樣化」共三種階層分類 (精密插畫、繪畫描繪、象徵描繪),以及「背景框架」共兩種特徵 (封閉式、開放式),再針對目前手機三大手機平台上的應用程式圖像進行廣泛的蒐集,並由視覺設計專家加以系統化分類以確認本研究所訂定變項之效度。最後以使用者研究的方式進行圖像認知實驗,紀錄認知時間與錯誤率,以及使用者的主觀偏好以了解不同圖像風格對於使用者的影響。研究結果顯示使用者在主觀偏好上喜愛精緻的式樣化風格,對背景框架則無明顯差異;在圖像認知實驗中使用者在認知時間上對於越簡化的式樣化風格表現越佳,但錯誤率相對提高;背景框架則以開放式的圖像設計較利於認知。綜合推論適中地簡化輪廓與色彩運用的開放式圖像,亦即具有「開放式」背景框架與「繪畫描繪」式樣化之圖像設計在小螢幕裝置上較適合使用者的認知與偏好。


The advancement of technologies makes conventional product form turn into human computer interaction. Recent years multitouch technology brings smartphone to people’s life and create new user experience. High-resolution color display become the focus of communicating the user and device, in which graphical user interface with detail design icon plays an important role. However, this is different from the way that ison design should be simplified in terms of semantics and cognitive process to enhance recognition performance. high texture Therefore, this study attempts to understand how the graphics should be designed in the small screen according to users’ cognition and preference. It is expected that the results can be reference of smartphone icon design. This study firstly extracted two research criteria of icon design through literature review, which includes “stylization” with three levels (detail, drawing and symbolis illustration) and “background frame” with two levels (open and close boundary). Secondly, broad search was conducted to collect as many icons as possible in the three smartphone platforms. Then visual design experts was invited to systematically classify icons according to the criteria. Finally, a user experiment was conducted to record users’ cognitive time, errors and subjective preference on different composition of icon design. The results show that the participants subjectively prefer detailed icon design on “stylization”, but have no significant preference on “background frame”. For the cognitive experiment, users perform better recognition time on simplified stylization, but make more errors relatively. It also shows that “background frame” with open boundary is beneficial for icon recognition. In conclusion, moderately simplified and colored icon design, i.e., “open boundary” and “drawing illustration”, is more suitable to users’ icon perception and preference on a small screen device.


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