  • 學位論文


The Development of the Top Exposure Constraint Surface Stereolithography System

指導教授 : 汪家昌


本研究使用光聚合固化技術(VP, Vat Photopolymization)為技術主體,以其代表性技術-光固化成形技術(SLA, Stereo Lithography Apparatus)為基礎,突破其製程限制,以較短時間製作完成平面高解析度的中大型尺寸工件,期滿足產業界設計與製造的市場需求,並開發一貫流程之專用軟體,整合機臺控制及光學影像成型等功能,透過軟體的動態光罩控制技術、投影機調校技術、影像變形校正技術與影像投影能量均勻化等功能疊加輸出,以達全自動驅動硬體設備。於成型表面加上拘束液面之硬質透明板及軟質透明膜,使其可有效拘束高黏度樹脂原料液面,並減少層與層加工時,因升降而產生之剝離力量,以加速成型時間,並提升可製作加工區域之尺寸,俾使完成各式複雜工件。完成建置之設備系統平面解析度每點尺寸0.2×0.2 mm(1920×1080點),最小層厚0.1 mm,每層成型時間在30秒以內,可成型長216 mm、寬384 mm、高200 mm之模型物件。


積層製造 上照式 拘束液面


This research is focusing on VP (Vat Photopolymerization) process using DLP (Digital Light Processing). The objective of this research is to develop a new AM (Additive Manufacturing) system to be able to create middle size part with good surface quality, high building up speed, low maintenance cost. Also the software to control the system has been developed which has the ability to do image distortion correction and uniform energy distribution. The developed VP process is using anti-adhesion films to constraint meniscus. Its inhibition bulk on positive resin meniscus and greatly reduced suction on the transparent material. The optimization separate process will torn apart prototype usefully in efficient way, the building area will enlarge, and the complex geometry models will easily produce. Moreover, in order to build middle size part, the developed VP system is using upper exposure approach. In order to reduce the need of resin in the large resin tank, the support liquid using glycerin, which will left the resin on the top, to keep the reaction surface to be the resin. The resulting system shows the capability to build up parts in dimension of 432×384×200 mm. The resolution in X-Y plane is 0.2 mm, the thickness is 0.1 mm, and the building up speed is 30sec every layer.


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