  • 學位論文


A Study of Material Flow Analysis and Management for Water Resource Supply and Demand Based on River Basin- A Case Study at Tanshui River Basin

指導教授 : 張添晉


物質流分析強調系統性檢視範圍內資源在自然系統與社經系統間投入、經濟體及產出之流動情形,實物量化計量單位。應用於河川流域水資源有助於系統地針對影響水資源因子鏈結,提供水資源利害關係人及決策者更佳瞭解水資源實際運用情況,以落實整合式水資源管理,並指出資源無效率使用處。 本研究運用物質流分析方法,建立流域層級之水資源供需物質流分析方法論、建構流域層級水資源供需帳及水平衡流佈分析。研究結果顯示,本研究方法論在無需龐大系統改變與轉換,相關資料經處理轉換後,將可應用區域內重點河川流域水資源供需流佈分析,亦可進一步導入流域水帳戶架構。本研究亦根據執行中所遇之問題及成果,就台灣水資源管理於帳表建置檢討與評析。 實際以94年淡水河系流域為案例,在水資源供需帳,年水資源開發利用量為26.02億噸,新店溪水系10.61億噸、大漢溪水系及基隆河水系分別為10.22億噸及5.19億噸;流域間水資源聯合運用量0.54億噸,跨流域調度水量0.23億噸;年標的用水總量為21.40億噸,以農業用水8.68億噸最大,其次依序生活用水8.30億噸、其他用水3.26億噸及工業用水1.16億噸;年水資源無益損耗量4.36億噸。就標的用水端分析結果與縣市別統計結果比較,農業灌溉用水存在高達90%差異,突顯物質流分析所需數據之代表性,有賴利害關係人制定合理且標準化方法。此外,為期流域水資源供需流佈分析結果更符合水資源運用實況,建議未來應推動資訊透明公開化及帳表建置結果驗證;針對無管理機關用水統計方法建立有待後續研究進行。


Material flow analysis (MFA) emphasized that systematically survery resource flow on input, economy and output between the natural system and the social-economic system. Method apply in water resource on river basin presents useful information for water resource stakeholders and decision makers better understand the present use and formulate actions for implementations in integrated water resource management and to point out inefficient use on the limited resource. The main purpose of this study are based on MFA to develop a water accounting framework procedure within water resource supply and demand at basin level and to assist responsible authorities constructing physical water supply and demand accounts and regional water balance. The integrated all of the water supply system, irrigation system and withdraw components are considered in the procedure. The results show after database deal with and transfer could implement at other basin on regional area and used on water accounts. Based on this procedure is demonstrated at Tanshui River Basin in 2005. The results of physical water supply and demand accounts shows totally development quantity of water resource are 26.02×108 m3/year, sub-basin of shin dian river, da han river and ji lung river is 10.61×108 m3/year, 10.22×108 m3/year and 5.19×108 m3/year, respectively. The total quantity of water uses is 21.4×108 m3/year, from high to low in quantity order are agriculture 8.68×108 m3/year, domestic 8.30×108 m3/year, others 3.26×108 m3/year and industrial 1.16 m3/year, respectively, inefficient quantity of water resource is 4.36 m3/year. In terms of quantity of water use, compared administrative based with this study show there are 2% to 90% discrepancy in quantity of irrigation water use. Setting up a standard method with stakeholders for water accounting by using MFA at basin level is very important. Furthermore, in order to exactly reflect the water resource situation at river basin, management for water accounts have been reviewed and suggested in this study.


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