  • 學位論文


Probe into the elderly lifestyle of the Hakka Settlement and space changes of the tobacco building-Case study of Feng Lin Town in Hualien

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


鳳林鎮為一純樸之客家小鎮;在歷經日本殖民政策下,東部整體開發脈絡中,以墾荒及產殖為主要開發方針。環境及生計的一推、一拉。促使在原鄉生活艱苦的客家人,至東部開拓新生活,是為二次移民。受到日本移民村的影響,至今鳳林鎮仍帶有濃厚的日本殖民風格,遺留下散佈在農田邊的菸樓群。 本研究以聚落學、環境心理學為主軸。並以耆老的角度切入。聚落發展至今,面對高齡化、公共空間不完善及菸業文化沒落等問題。以期能活化菸樓空間,並使聚落老人能與社區連結並構築完善的社會網絡。透過深入訪談及認知圖繪製,瞭解聚落空間變遷過程;研究對象係以大榮一村老人為主。並透過參與觀察及史料文獻蒐集歸納,聚落老人與菸樓的關係及現有生活方式。研究目的如下: 一、分析鳳林鎮客家聚落老人的居住空間及行為,歸納老人現有的生活空間模式。 二、鳳林鎮客家聚落產業發展對地方上的轉變,及與西部客家聚落的不同。 三、男性客家老人與女性客家老人生活記憶空間及領域之間的差異性。 四、耆老與菸樓間的關係與使用上的演變,增加菸樓的與在地的發展性。在現有產業轉變環境下使菸樓與老人的生活圈融入。


Feng Lin is a simple town of Hakka Settlement. After the Japanese colonial policy, the development of the eastern part of the overall context in order to reclaim and develop the middle class as the main policy of colonization. It comprises between environment and livelihood of the pull. Make Township of the original Hakka people living in hardship migrates to the east of Taiwan to open up a new life for the second migration. Settlement by the impact of Japanese immigrants, the town has remained with strong Japanese colonial style, look at the facilities in the left to spread the tobacco building group in the fields. In this study, take settlement science and environmental psychology for the spindle. This research is mainly about the view of the elderly. The settlement has been implementing the development, in the face of aging, inadequate public space and the tobacco industry issues such as not implementing culture. With a view to activation of tobacco building space, the elderly and village people linked with the community and build a complete social network. Methods In this study, through in-depth interviews and cognitive mapping to understand the evolution of settlement and distribution space; study based on a village Darong mainly the elderly. Through observation and participation in the collection of historical documents summarized, together with the elderly implementing the relationship, the tobacco building and the existing way of life to explore the issues and measures. The purpose of this research is comprised of: (1) Analysis of the elderly Hakka Feng Lin town living space and behavior, the elderly into the existing mode of living space. (2) Fong Lin Township Hakka development of local industry changes, and the western region of Taiwan in different of Hakka. (3) Hakka elderly male and female own the memory of living space and the different field. (4) The elderly and the relationship between tobacco building use on the evolution of increase in tobacco and local development. Changes in the existing industry promote tobacco-environment space and integration of the elderly living circle.


Hakka Settlement Lifestyle Space Changes


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