  • 學位論文


A Study on Visual Preference of Green Building’s Appearance in Hot-Humid Climate Region

指導教授 : 蘇瑛敏


目前臺灣綠建築評估系統其評估指標項目與外觀無太大的相關性,為現階段發展不足之處。若能讓綠建築的宗旨落實於視覺呈現上,使大眾能直接感受到綠建築的形象,從而接受與認知相符的綠建築環境,更能有效推廣綠建築。 本研究為瞭解大眾對於綠建築外觀之認知與偏好,以生態建築為基礎,彙整因應環境及氣候之特色、並分析與綠建築評估系統之差異,依降溫、遮陽、通風等環境策略歸納出熱濕氣候建築常用之屋頂挑高、干欄式樓板架高、外加遮陽、騎樓陽台、通風口和覆土設計等六個造型,以及木、竹、石、泥土、磚、金屬和混凝土等七種材質。本研究以綠建築及生態建築為案例,用美質評估李克特10點量尺進行一般大眾及專業者之調查,瞭解綠建築外觀之偏好與態度。 研究結果顯示,約九成的受測者已有綠建築於外觀上的表現應有明顯差異、且外觀對於評價綠建築是極為重要的認知,也有了綠建築外觀必須傳達意象的認知態度。對於綠建築外觀偏好,具有地域特色的偏好值5.87,其中又以具有能與自然環境融合之地域特色其偏好平均值6.32為最高。就綠建築外觀意象而言,自然材具有較高的偏好、地域特色及正向的意象,而人工材除了磚材,其所具有的偏好最低,不具有任何地域特色且傳遞出的意象為負面訊息。綜合地域特色、偏好及意象,以木構的騎樓、陽台造型偏好值7.22為最高。 運用熱濕氣候建築語彙能讓外觀更具生態建築之特色,更能夠藉由外觀達到綠建築的效益、奠定正確認知。本研究對於臺灣綠建築評估系統提出建議並擬訂外觀設計原則,期望使評估制度更加完善,作為後續規劃設計使用。


In the green building evaluation system currently prevalent in Taiwan, the target items of evaluation are not adequately related to exteriority. That should be an inadequacy for the development of the current phase. We should become more capable of promoting green buildings if we would put into thorough implementation the green building objectives as visual presentations to enable the general public to directly perceive the green building image and, in turn, accept and identify the consistent circumstances. The present is intended to look into the cognition and inclination of the general public on green building. On the grounds of ecology-oriented architecture, we’d assemble and deal with the characteristics in line with environments and climate to analyze the divergence from the green building evaluation system. In the environmental strategies of lowering temperature, sun-shade, ventilation, we would like to generalize six architectural styles in common architectural uses, e.g., high-ceiling roof, elevated floors with rails, extra sun-shade, corridor veranda, ventilation vents, and earth-coverage, along with seven building materials as wood, bamboo, stones, earth, bricks, metal, and concrete. In the present study, we adopt green buildings and ecological buildings as the examples to conduct a survey toward the general public and professionals by means of a 10-point Likert-type scale to look into their inclination and attitude toward green building exteriority. The findings yielded in the present study indicate that up to approximately 90% s have held reasonable cognition that a green building should show significant difference in exteriority and that exteriority is an extremely significant factor in the evaluation of a green building. The survey subjects further demonstrate an attitude that a green building should carry the right green building image. In terms of the inclination of green building exteriority, the inclination of native local characteristics comes to a value of 5.87. Among them, the native and local inclination capable of being melted with natural environments represents the highest value at 6.32. In terms of the image of green building exteriority, natural building materials hold the highest inclination rate, local characteristics, and positive image. The artificial building materials possess the lowest inclination except bricks, possessing not at all any local characteristics and carrying even a negative image. In combination of native characteristics, inclination and image, the corridor and verandah styles in wooden structures present the highest inclination value, say, as high as 7.22. Utilization of hot, humid climate oriented architectural vocabulary would bring added characteristics toward the exteriority of ecological architecture, bring added benefits of green buildings and set sound cognition of green buildings. With the aforementioned findings, the present offers hands-on suggestions on the green building evaluation system currently prevalent in Taiwan and the principles for exteriority design. It is earnestly hoped that through the efforts of the present study, there will be sounder systems for green building evaluation to be used for subsequent planning and design.


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