  • 學位論文


The Application of Second due-date Criterion in Production Scheduling-Take Aluminum Press Thermoform Industries as Examples

指導教授 : 張百棧


在鋁擠型業中,當顧客與業務部門商談交期時,顧客常會擔心工廠無法準時交貨而將交期縮短。而業務部門將訂單轉交生管部門時也擔心無法準時交貨而將交期再次縮短,故當生管部門接獲訂單時交期都十分吃緊,甚至對於剛接獲之訂單雖然生管部門知道已經無法準時交貨,但是卻無法告知對方正確交期而束手無策,導致生產線經常在趕工加班及停工等待訂單的情況下生產,也因此造成工廠實際產能無法完全發揮。 再則由於顧客所給與之交期並非真正需求之日期,所以考慮第二交期是顧客決定是否下訂單或工廠是否放棄接單之重要依據,因此第二交期能增加生產單位的自主性,使排程穩定與爭取接單量,對於客戶而言,也不會因為提前交貨而增加客戶的庫存成本、且能適時、適量的將產品交於客戶手中所以第二交期之探討是絕對必要。 本論文之研究考慮延遲成本及利息成本所造成實際銷售金額之高低,作為選擇第二交期之依據,並利用Moore (1968)和Hodgson (1977)之方法加以修飾以適合本論文之模式,期望能對業界提供一個有效的參考方法,對業界提供一個有效的解決之道。


雙交期 第二交期 生產排程


In the aluminum press thermoform industry, when the customers and the sales discuss the deadline, the customers are often worried about the delay of an order. As a result, they tend to shorten the deadline. Similarly, when the sales gives the orders to the manufacturing department, they also worried about the manufacturing department cannot deliver on time and they will shorten the deadline again. Therefore, the customers' delivery is not the real required date. An alternative solution is considering about the second due-date. In general, customer or manufacturing department can determine the second due-date based on their discussion. Trivially, a very long of second due-date is not feasible. But once the admissible second due-date became available, from the customers' viewpoints, this is the significant factor of deciding whether or not to order goods. Therefore, the second due-date not only can raise the autonomy of the manufacturing department but also provide an opportunity to generate a more suitable production schedule. Owing to the importance and flexibility of the second due-date, in this paper. we proposed a modify Moore and Hodgson's procedure to determine the second due-date. Results of the numerical study indicate that the proposed method can provide a better solution than the traditional scheduling methods in terms of total costs.


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