  • 學位論文


The Utilization of Competency Model in Selection/Assessment Tool Development--A live Recruitment Project in TTT Company.

指導教授 : 李弘暉 博士


研究目的: 本文旨在探討如何發展一選才工具以協助一高科技公司在人才招募作業中達成改善效率與效果的目標。TTT 公司是一知名度很高的高科技公司,因業務快速成長的需求,在人員擴編的量上為過去十三年的兩倍,從七千人成長為一萬四千人。除了併購幾家公司以增加產能外,人才需求的量仍然需外聘三千多人。由於是臺灣知名的公司,以致慕名而來的履歷表充塞於網頁與各種管道。然而,執行招募業務的人員有限,實無法將所有的履歷表過濾一遍,難免造成遺珠之憾,也無法將好的人才一網打盡。為達成高成長的目標,並找到高品質的人才,一個專案工作小主組包括專案經理〈即筆者〉,行政職員,與外聘之顧問於焉組成。為達成大幅成長的目標,已實施多種因應策略與計劃,其中發展人才選拔的工具以確保人才品質為高階主管的要求。 研究方法: 透過市場搜尋可用之工具,在六家管理顧問公司中有四家表達合作的意願,並展示了已發展之工具;基於專案工作時限,預算,與顧問配合度的考量,選出一位過去合作核心職能的顧問為合作對象,捨棄坊間已發展之工具,重新創作並研發適合之工具。透過訪談用人部門經理,現職人員,與上兩層主管確立不同工作核心職能的需求,匯集成工作職掌說明書,依據所需之職務能力發展出評量技能與行為兩個向度的問卷,再發展計分方法,並使用電腦程式,使之自動化,於桌上電腦使用或置於公司網路上供應徵者與招募者使用。相關之核心職能文獻,問卷發展文獻,透過顧問之整合與運用,已變成成果展現於工具中。 結果: 本研究之成果為一套電腦化的問卷與自動計分系統,期透過這項工具的運用篩選出與核心職能需求相近的應徵者,產生以排名次序為主的推薦面試者名單,達成控制招募品質的目標並減少用人經理與招募人員篩選履歷表與面試不合格應徵者的時間,創造更高的生產力。


Objective: The written paper tries to develop a selection tool for real needs of a high-tech company to achieve efficiency and effectiveness improvement in recruiting process. TTT company is a famous high tech company , the needs of expansion from volume and headcount in year 2000 are double than the past 13 years , the headcount requests expend from 7000 to 14000; except merged couple companies to meet the high volume demand , the talent increase is urgent for the company growing. Since it is a extremely famous company as most of people wish to join ; the web site or recruiting channels are full of candidates resumes. However, with limited resources on recruiters, Not all the resumes have the chances to be reviewed by recruiters. To meet the growing goal with high quality employees, a project team was formed by project manager, administrator and external consultants. Methodology: Several alternatives were considered to achieve the goal; A strategy for Y2K recruiting was made, within A selection tool was requested due to the quality hiring needs to be ensured in Quantity hiring. The tool was developed based on job profile which worked with line managers , peers and superior managers to test the skill and behavior of a candidate’s tendency. Competency model is a trend to evaluate employee’s performance, skill gap and training objective. And the job profile was determined by competency model, after defined the competency of each different job, it can be utilized into different aspects of Human resources function to minimize the gap between individual’s competency and business objectives. In this paper, the competency model development is also discussed based on written books and web site white papers. The key focus on utilizing the competency model in this paper is in selection tool. Since it is a real working project, the paper result is in final product of the tool. The paper will present the tool and how it was developed with method of project management, creativity solutions from work force team and library book, web white paper study. The group interview is to achieve the developing of the job profiling. The tool was developed by questionnaire through written test and oral interview on dimensions of Skill and Behavior, the final result was a recommendation candidate list by ranking order, the comparison is not the matter of high scoring but a competitive ranking. Result: With the new tool into the recruitment process reduces the huge amount of resumes which sent to TTT company and generate the most valid resume for Recruiters and Hiring mangers to save process time and improve the validation of hiring. Finally, the scoring system was developed through Information Technology to auto scoring and the whole tool will be install in PC and even web-site as a on-line test tool. Since the tool just developed in Feb. 2000, It still needs time for validation process after implementing a period of time.


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