  • 學位論文

ERP 系統在電子業導入成功關鍵因素之研究 : 個案導入探討

The Study of Successful Key Factors for ERP Systems Implementation

指導教授 : 張百棧


企業經營正隨著資訊科技之快速進步而產生重大變化,全球資訊相關產業都明顯的感受到立即回應與全球運籌等機制建立的急迫性。企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resources Planning, ERP)系統為一整合企業組織資訊之套裝軟體資訊系統,猶如整體企業的數位神經系統,能幫助經理人在面對決策時如神經傳導般快速、直接且正確獲得所需資訊,進而在關鍵時刻作出正確的決策。隨著國際分工秩序的演變成形,台灣產業為全球主要生產重鎮, ERP系統的蓬勃發展大多與OEM大廠施壓及Y2K問題有關,近年來國內產業體認到ERP系統的重要性,為了提升企業競爭力,各企業紛紛投入ERP導入之列,ERP系統成為經營成敗的關鍵。 本研究分析了各家ERP系統相關系統廠商特色、並彙整SAP、Oracle、IBM、KPMG四家ERP系統顧問公司之導入方法及其提出的系統導入成功關鍵要素,另外本研究亦探討全球性ERP系統Oracle Applications R11 與本土開發的普揚資訊VPROERP之系統功能特色,並藉由實際參與研究個案(威達電)對該系統之導入實際探討一個企業建立企業資源規劃系統時,如何評估適用的ERP系統、成立專案團隊、系統導入的方法及影響導入成功關鍵因素,並提供系統導入相關文件,以供企業導入之參考。


The business management is changing dramatically followed by the fast paced technology revolution. Related industries from worldwide are experiencing the crucial of implementation for quick response and global management mechanism. The ERP system is a package to integrate business organizational information, it acts as the digital nervous system of business to provide instant and necessary information for management in decision making at the right timing manner. As the international collaboration is shaping out, in the mean time Taiwanese industry as the main production base on global market. Besides the pressures from the OEM and Y2K issues, domestic industries are discovering the essential of the ERP system as a way to improve business competition. Many enterprises join this trend to implement ERP System. The ERP system becomes the primary factor to the business management. This study surveys ERP system vendor’s (SAP, Oracle, IBM and KPMG) characteristics and their implementation methodology. This study also compares the system functionalities from Oracle Applications R11 and ProYoung VPROERP . By conducting the case study from ICP implementation of the Oracle Applications R11, this study discuss how enterprise establish ERP system, how to evaluate proper ERP system for enterprise, project team building, the methodology to implementation and key factors to successfully implement ERP system. The study also provides documentation for enterprise as a guideline to implement ERP system.


【11】 Joseph Orlicky “Material Requirement Planning” New York : McGraw-Hill Inc. , pp. 40-41, 1975.
【1】 Thomas H. Davenport, “ Putting the Enterprise Into the Enterprise System ” , Harvard Business Review, 1998.
【2】 信懷南,“該不該建立ERP?”,EMBA世界經理文摘, 第146 期, pp.118-126, 1998.
【3】 王怡心,“企業資源規劃系統的認識” ,電子時報,第83版,1998.
【4】 林清河,“物料管理─實務、理論與資訊化之探討”, 2rd,ed.,華泰書局,pp.383-439, 1991.


翁玉珠(2007)。導入ERP系統關鍵成功因素之研究 -以半導體封測廠A公司為例-〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700825
