  • 學位論文

兩岸供應商庫存管理VMI(Vendor Managed Inventory)之差異分析—以PCB原料廠商為例

The variance analysis of VMI(Vendor Managed Inventory) between China and Taiwan- Case study of PCB meterial supplier

指導教授 : 林耀欽


隨著經營全球化的來臨,企業紛紛進行全球運籌的佈局,為因應PCB產業環境供應與需求的不確定性所造成的長鞭效應及產品生命週期的快速變化,未來企業的競爭將視產品背後激烈的供應鏈競爭,而庫存的掌控能力更將是企業決勝的關鍵因素之一。在美國P&G公司與Wal-Mart成功的將供應商庫存管理(VMI)系統實際地運用在其供應鏈體系統裡,使得供應商管理(VMI)的模式再度開始被重視與運用,再加上企業西進中國大陸的比例逐年增加,中國大陸不論是內需市場或投資環境都是未來發展趨勢。所以本研究首先希望從台灣與中國大陸兩岸間在施行供應商庫存管理(VMI)上的差異做討論。 經由個案訪談發現,產業群聚效應影響了運輸距離同時也影響企業選擇VMI的模式;兩岸在人力與庫存成本的考量下對VMI施行的模式也出現差異以及個案公司在資訊系統導入時皆以台灣公司為主,再進行系統移植以台灣經驗來節省大陸廠建置時間,以減低風險來達到快速回收成本的目的。


Because of the globalization, enterprises are planning an global logistic for its worldwide business, this circumstance also effects the Printing Circuit Board Industry (PCB). Printing circuit board industry is a customize business, and come out with numerous variety and short life cycles. The major competition behind the PCB industry is the supply chain management. In order to avoid bullwhip effect that caused by the uncertainty of supply and demand, inventory control is the key factor to business toward success. China government executes the Foreign Capital Policy to create a better investment environment, and quickly copy the successful experiences from Taiwan PCB industries. In less then decade, Taiwan PCB companies already face rigorous competition in China’s market. However, under the complexities of global planning and management situations, the pattern of inventory management has changed within PCB industry. Management of finished products and materiel is switching form traditional inventory management to vendor-managed inventory (VMI). Since economic development in Greater China area is becoming more and more important, this research is focused on the different VMI management at cross Strait Tri-Regional. From the case study, we discovered that industries’ clustered effect did influence the transportation distances and how industries chose its own VMI mode. Under the consideration of human resources and inventory costs, the implementation of VMI mode is vary between Taiwan, mainland China, and Hong Kong. Company usually implements the own technology system in Taiwan, and transplants the experience to China’s subsidiary. This way can not only save the set up time for China’s subsidiary, but also can decrease the risk, and recover the cost for PCB companies.


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