  • 學位論文


Study of Taiwan’s Securities Firms Engaging in Wealth Management Business from the Aspect of Customers Acceptance

指導教授 : 陳 聖 賢 沈 仰 斌


本論文之研究題目為「我國證券商經營財富管理業務之研究-以顧客接受度方面探討之」,主要探討「顧客對財富管理業務之瞭解程度及顧客對證券商經營財富管理業務之接受度」、「顧客於證券商處辦理財富管理業務之動機及目的」、「顧客對財富管理業務之需求」、「顧客對業者行銷手法之喜好程度」等方向,期藉由上述之探討及分析,作為證券商經營財富管理業務之方針,為客戶提供全方位專業投資策略作準備。 本論文採問卷方式進行,並以SPSS 14.0英文專業版軟體進行統計分析,結論如下述說明: 1.「顧客對財富管理業務之瞭解程度及顧客對證券商經營財富管理業務之接受度」:受訪者以高學歷、中產者居多,但當問及對『財富管理』或『貴賓理財』業務所提供之內容是否了解及是否願意選擇使用相關業務時,明確知道服務內容之百分比只佔17%,顯示業者在經營財富管理業務時,應重視此等現象,因此部份對於顧客在決定是否願意選擇使用相關業務之關係應有深厚之關聯,故業者應更積極向社會大眾推廣財富管理之觀念,以利相關業務之拓展 2.「顧客於證券商處辦理財富管理業務之動機及目的」:針對首要客戶群三群間之基本資料背景之差異,其動機及目的除在「子女教育基金」與「節稅」二者有些許差異外,其他方面之動機及目的皆相當雷同,顯示首要客戶群之動機及目的相當,並無重大差異性。 3.「顧客對財富管理業務之需求」:對辦理財富管理業務之考慮因素重要程度差別性,本研究就資料顯示分析,建議業者經營第三群須首重交易安全、資料保密及操作績效,而第二群則建議再擴大顧客層面,如能整合帳戶、更優惠之手續費用,並主動公開理專人員所具備之相關證照,用以增強顧客之信賴程度及滿意程度;再者,除上述作為,業者應加強自身之產品設計能力,憑藉產品線之齊全、充實業者內在實力,增進專業度及自身信譽,輔以於媒體之曝光次數、多參與專業機構之評鑑,提高曝光度,藉以鞏固強化業者與顧客之關係。 4.「顧客對業者行銷手法之喜好程度」:資料顯示,首要客戶群皆對「財經專業人士、機構的評鑑或報導」及「與證券商往來經驗」二者有共同且偏高的接受度,除積極參與知名度高之專業機構評鑑,同時與客戶之往來關係也十分重要;再者業者亦可藉由舉辦說明會之機會,對顧客加強宣導財富管理或個人理財業務之正確觀念,有了正確及清楚之財富管理觀念,相信顧客也將會放心於證券商處辦理財富管理業務,此對顧客接受度自然會有正面之影響。


The subject of my thesis is “From customers’ acceptance to study how the stockbrokers in Taiwan managing their fortune-delegation business.” The major points of discussion are as below: 1.How well target customers understand this kind of business, and the acceptance rate of the customers to this business. 2.The motive and purpose for target customers to delegate their fortune to stockbrokers for management. 3.The need of fortune-delegation from target customers. 4.Target customers’ preference to stockbrokers marketing strategies. From above discussions, this thesis tries to analyze and offer practical strategies for stockbrokers to manage their fortune-delegation business. The thesis adopts the results from information gathered by questionnaires, and statistical sampled by SPSS 14.0 English professional version. The results are concluded as below: 1.“How well target customers understand this kind of business, and the acceptance rate of the customers to this business.” Sample individuals are mostly middle class with high education level, but when they are asked if they understand fortune-delegation business, only 17% of them know precisely what it is. It shows that in order to expand the scale of fortune-delegation business, brokers who run this kind of business should be more aggressive to promote this “fortune-delegation” idea to general public. 2.“The motive and purpose for target customers to delegate their fortune to stockbrokers for management.” This analysis is focusing on the differences between the backgrounds of three different target customer groups. The result shows that only in two options of “children’s education fund” and “ tax deduction” there are some differences, and most other motives and purposes are common to all target customers. 3.“The need of fortune-delegation from target customers.” Regarding customers’ considerations for fortune-delegation, the study result shows that if brokers’ target is third group, they should focus more on security, confidentiality, and returning rate. If target is second group should promote to various customers. In this group, brokers can offer combination account, lower rate of handling charge, and also show certification of service personals to prove your credibility and make customer more satisfied. Moreover, brokers should design and offer more kinds of services, improved by professional training, and raise their own business reputation. With more media explosion and credit from professional organization, brokers can strengthen their relationship to customers. 4.“Target customers’ preference to stockbrokers marketing strategies.” The study result shows that the primary target customers have the same intensions to prefer “recommendation from professional organizations or personnel” and “experiences dealing with brokers”. Hence brokers should not only aggressively participate in evaluation made by famous professional organizations, but also do better in managing customer relations. On the other hand, brokers should promote the fortune-delegation idea harder by holding forums or campaign, so customers can received more correct and clear information about fortune-delegation. I believe through this way, customers cam feel more secured to delegate their fortune for brokers to manage.


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