  • 學位論文


The Key Success Factors Analysis of Transforming Call Center Service into Sales –A Case Study of Bank A

指導教授 : 鄭雅穗


由於金融全球化的趨勢,國內金融市場逐漸也打破國與國限制的藩籬,以往在政府全面保護下,金融業者僅侷限國內市場的競爭,但在我國加入WTO後,除了國內競爭者外,國外競爭者亦大舉入侵,在金融業競爭環境越趨嚴峻的情形下,近年來,國內各家金融業者極盡可能的運用旗下所有通路進行全面性金融商品的銷售,盼能藉此提升企業獲利能力,而各家金融業者所設立的電話客服中心也在這樣的趨勢下,逐漸從單純提供客戶服務的功能單位轉型成為同時兼具服務及銷售功能的利潤中心,但面臨這樣的趨勢及轉變,金融業者應如何維持電話客服中心良好服務品質的同時,運用最有效,關鍵的電話銷售方法,創造最大的商機,將是金融從業人員值得深思的一個重要議題。 而本次個案研究將針對國內某金控業者在面對此趨勢轉變下,對於電話客服中心所做的各項調整,透過實證法的過程,找到影響電話客服中心成功轉型銷售的關鍵因素,希望藉此能提供學術界及企業界未來之應用。


This thesis examines some factors why the financial holding companies in Taiwan are keen on transforming their call center service into sales under the current competitive environments. As companies transform their call centers into service-to-sales operations, organizations also continue to struggle with the art of selling while maintaining a customer service function. The thesis started with analyzing the challenge and performance management problems that most holding companies face today; followed by studying the process of a case company, which transforms her call center service into sales operation. We next examine some factors that drive them to make such a change and what criterion should be considered during the process. We finally tried to conclude with some key successful factors and examine their effects upon the business improvement as well as the implication of customer satisfaction during this transformation process.


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