  • 學位論文


A Research of the Impact on Taiwan Enterprises in Mainland China for the implementation of the Mainland China Labor Contract Law

指導教授 : 林玥岑


在產業經濟發展過程中的勞資關係,是每一個企業所必須面臨的問題,然而在現實的經濟體制下,「勞方」與「資方」常因直接經濟利益衝突而處於對立地位,往往不能自行實現勞資關係和諧,而必須要經由一個強勢的公權力-如政府、議會和司法機構,通過行政和立法手段來加以規範、協調、斡旋或仲裁。台灣是一個舉世聞名科技島國,土地、人力、原物料等等有限,隨著產業經濟不斷發展,許多企業為了提高企業的競爭力,加上全球化的經營策略,向外擴展是一個必然的趨勢。而海峽兩岸的政治紛爭是一個存在已久的事實,但隨著中國的經濟快速的發展,加上台灣政府逐步放寬對中國的投資政策,吸引許多外資或是台商前往中國投資設廠。而每個地區或國家皆有其法令與政策,2007年6月29日依據中華人民共和國第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十八次會議通過,自2008年1月1日起施行新制「勞動合同法」。新的政令頒布與實行,以目前台商企業已經將重心投資在中國的市場上,面臨實施後所帶來的影響,是值得企業投資者必須要正視的議題。本研究論文將探討台商企業在新制「勞動合同法」政策下,透過深度訪談的方式,瞭解新政策對台商企業投資決策是否帶來影響? 並從「法令政策」、「營運成本」、「組織管理、生產力」以及「產業別」等四個影響構面加以分析,做為台商企業在中國投資的參考與建議。


With the continuance of industrial economic development, enterprises may face problems of the industrial relations. We can obviously see “labor” and “management” sides are always in opposing for their own benefit. Therefore there must have a public authority, such as government, council, and Judiciary to go through the administrative and legislative means to rule, coordinate, mediate, or arbitrate. Taiwan is a world-famous high-technology country, but it have limit of land, manpower, material ect. With the continuous development of industrial economy, there is a trend that many enterprises tend to invest in other counties for increasing their own competitiveness and for globalization of business strategy. Although the political issues between cross-strait relations still remain; but Mainland China’s rapid development of economy and the Taiwan government allowed the Taiwanese to invest in Mainland China; there is more and more foreign investment enterprises and Taiwanese investment enterprises have been rapidly increasing the investment in Mainland China. Each country has its own law and policy. For Mainland China, a new law which is “LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS” has been adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress on June 29, 2007; effective from January 1, 2008. Many of the provisions appearing in the new Employment Contract Law; it will definitely impact to foreign investment enterprises and Taiwan investment enterprises. This paper is main to find out if there’s any influence on the investment decision of Taiwan investment enterprises in Mainland China on the Implementation of the new employment contract law, concluded by a way of depth interview. Furthermore, we still construct four measuring dimensions, includes “policy and regulatory”, “operating costs”, “organizational management and productivity”,” Industry” to analyze how the new employment contract law impact to Taiwan investment enterprises in Mainland China.


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