  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 丘邦翰


本研究探討受到全球性經濟不景氣影響,國內企業環境整體而言出現經營困難,也造成股價下跌、房地產價格縮水,資產品質惡化直接衝擊到銀行業。而國內銀行數眾多在激烈競爭下其各項業務及資產品質更難以控制,故銀行所提供產品與服務的同質性過高,若創新不足更無法提供差異化競爭,相對影響銀行獲利及競爭力,故積極進行銀行經營評估及變革之策略更顯重要。藉由銀行新設分行經營策略之探討,找出銀行業生存及競爭之優勢策略,分析銀行新設分行之改革思維及成果。 Hammer & Champy(1994)指出在今天的市場中,有三股不容忽視的力量稱為三C:1分別是顧客(customers)、競爭(competition)以及改變(change)(楊幼蘭,1994)。這三股力量無論是單獨存在,或是結合在一起,都足以驅使企業進入一個嶄新的境界(王淑慧,1996)。Drucker也指出,我們處於一個風起雲湧的時代,企業面臨最大挑戰就是去適應永不停止的改變,改變是來自不同的方向,而公司主管更應體認有效管理的關鍵因素就是察覺環境改變並且循序漸進地調整組織,以利用此改變來增加獲利能力(Sauser & Sauser,2002)。研究發現,目前國內銀行業家數共計386家共有分行數5853,據統計國內銀行開分行也顯M型化。過去五年來分行增加百餘家但部份縣市卻不增反減;不論併購或獎勵,在新設分行時,幾乎一股勁往台北市、台北縣、桃園縣等黃金縣市搬遷,故金融資源分配之城鄉差距愈形擴大。在全球邁向金融自由化及國際化的趨勢下,金控集團整合及發展,不外乎希望透過進行整合轉型機制,鑑於國內各銀行分行家數過多且同質性過高,導致競爭激烈,加上整體金融產業之不景氣,使銀行利潤下降,如何提高其經營效率與國際競爭力期能藉由跨業經營提高經營效率以形成縱效。本研究欲就金融機構在新設分行時,依其經營目標及需求探討地點是否合適及經營管理策略之訂定分析其優勢及價值性和獲力性,探討除維持原本具利基的業務因新設業務繼續 提高公司價值與新設後之價值差異。藉由公信機構與研究之資料及國內相關文獻加以收集彙整做為本文主要評估新設分行及經營方針歸納其重要性及管理規劃。主要係以目前新設分行做為案例加以評估、分析及目前作法評估比較可行性及發展性,藉以增加銀行收益及競爭力並調整目前過度集中並改善經營方向,以學習其核心技術,提升銀行業國際化經營之能力。積極進行變革,配合公司政策進行經濟擴展。透過整合調整達成資產及業務之多元化發展,也提升銀行業的資本適足率及國際競爭力,整體而言,銀行業目前面臨高度競爭。 展望未來,銀行業分行在適時適地評估其自我優勢等條件進入多元競爭的市場的效應下,將會有實現全球化經營和綜合經營績效,以提升核心競爭力,並為企業發展海外機構提供良好之金融服務,取得戰略利益,以建立霸權。 而新設分行除重視其管理績效外更須要有風險意識,因為一旦有呆帳損失其影響程度之大,必須要有防範風險的機制,用審慎而正面的態度來建構健全企業管理與健康企業文化的環境及風險控管;創造競爭環境,並順應知識經濟的需求以建立新的經濟模式。




This study will investigate global economic recession, which has led to the management difficult of enterprise environment as a whole, down-fall of share price, shrinkage of price value with real estate, and the worsening of assets quality which directly impacts on the banking industry. Since there are quite a number of banks within the country, each of their business and assets quality would even be more difficult to control under fierce competition. As such, if the product and service provided by banks are highly homogeneous, it would have affected the profit-making and competitiveness if there is no sufficient innovation to provide differentiated competition. Therefore, it has become most important the bank should conduct management evaluation and strategy of reform. The study would like to exploit banks that the management of establishing new branch bank to find out the advantage strategy of survival and competition for banking industry, and analyze the thoughts of reform and result with banks that establish new branch banks. Hammer & Champy(1994) pointed out that there are three non-neglectable powers as Three C, which are customers, competition, and change (楊幼蘭,1994). These three powers are good enough to drive an enterprise into a brand new scenario (王淑慧,1996) whether they stand alone or are being combined together. Drucker also noted that we are now in storming stage as the greatest challenge enterprises are confronted is that they have to constantly adapt changes which are coming from all directions. As for company executives, they should have the awareness that the critical factor for effective management is find out environmental change, and carry out organization adjust progressively so as to increase their profit-making capability using such a change (Sauser & Sauser,2002). As found from the study, the number of banks currently in the country is total 386 with 5,833 branch banks. It is found from statistics that opening of branch bank in the country has also towards M-type as though there is increase of branch banks over a hundred in the last 5 years the number of branch bank in some county and city has decreased on the contrary. No matter it is with merger or encouragement, all of the banks have, unanimously, relocated to Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County and other golden county and city when they are to establish new branch banks. As a result, the gap of distribution of financial resources is ever expanding, and under the trend of world heading towards global liberalization and internationalization, financial holding ground hope that they can make use of integration and transition mechanism to conduct integration and development. In view of the fact of the there are overtly too many domestic banks and branch banks that are highly homogenous, leading to fierce competition and comprehensive recession of the entire banking and financial industry that ends up decrease of profit. It has become critical as how they can enhance their operation efficiency and international competition so as to increase management efficiency and effectiveness. This study would like to investigate if the banking institute has followed its management objective and requirements when they establish new branch bank, if the branch location and the formulation of their management and operation strategy are suitable. Then it would analyze its advantage, value, and profit-making, and also explore the enhanced company value after the newly established businesses and value differentiation after the branch bank is set u, aside from maintaining the original businesses that bring niche profit. It is with the information of credibility institute and research as well as domestic and oversea literatures collected for compilation that will be based on to evaluate newly established branch bank and their operation guides. Then their importance and management planning will be inferred. For the time being, it is mainly to illustrate, analyze, and compare their feasibility and development of current measures with the cases of newly established branch banks. Hence, it would increase the turnover of banks competitiveness, and adjust their overt concentration and improve management so that the core skills can be learned to enhance the management competence of banking internationalization. In such a way, they can actively conduct reform, and cope with the economic expansion working in conjunction with company policy. Through integration and adjustment, bank can achieve the diversified development of their assets and businesses, and help elevate capital adequacy ratio and international competition of banking industry. As a whole, the banking industry is confronted with most intense competition. In view of the future, if branch banks can evaluate their advantages and other conditions at right time and right place as they are enrolled in the diversified and competitive market; there would be realization for global management and comprehensive management efficiency to enhance their core competitiveness. As such, it could have provided favorable financial service for enterprise to develop oversea branches, and obtained strategic interest to establish their hegemony. Aside from placing focus on management efficiency, factor of risk management is most necessary for when there is bad debt there must be mechanism for prevention against the impact. Therefore, careful and positive attitude should be employed to construe the environment and risk control for healthy enterprise management and healthy enterprise culture; on the other hand, it is important to create competitive environment and adapt to the needs of knowledge-economy in order to build up novel economic model.




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