  • 學位論文

顧客滿意度與醫療服務品質之研究 -以桃園某地區教學醫院為例

Satisfaction of Patients and medical service quality Using Taoyuan County regional hospital for example

指導教授 : 李弘暉


自1995年3月實施全民健康保險後,台灣醫療生態產生巨大改變,民眾就醫的可近性大幅改善,無論是就醫行為或經濟障礙門檻降低,使得醫療市場的競爭愈趨激烈,因此顧客反應及提升顧客滿意的服務成了醫療企業經營的策略性工具之一。本研究以地區性教學醫院之立場,透過顧客滿意度來了解民眾重視的就醫面向,並藉此作為醫療服務品質及在地情感紮根之提升力量。 本研究收集該地區醫院97年1月至9月共三季的顧客門診滿意度調查資料,發現來院就醫民眾的整體滿意度為79.25﹪,加上該院的就診民眾經統計發現有七成比例皆為複診病患,兩者數據與其他有關顧客滿意度與忠誠度之相關性研究是相符合的。至於民眾選擇及使用醫療服務的面向,本研究則發現: 一、民眾選擇就醫之考量面向以交通方便性、地點近、服務態度為重要的前三要素,顯示醫院有其民眾肯定之優勢,也明確地標示了研究個案醫院之市場區隔為社區性醫院。 二、民眾獲知醫療相關訊息的來源以從親戚朋友處最多,其次為醫院名氣、遠甚於其它訊息來源,由親友推薦來院的比率有持續上升的現象,可見醫院行銷的重點應是在口碑的建立。 三、民眾感受良好的醫療過程為醫師是否耐心傾聽病情、仔細診察與詳細說明,因近幾年來有越來越多民眾個人意識高,認為尊重隱私、護理人員是否詳細說明看病過程是非常在意與重視的。 整體而言,在民眾就醫意識抬頭的當今,對醫院非醫療的服務品質如環境、服務流程、儀器設備等要求有日亦嚴格的趨勢,因此醫療院所若越能掌握顧客的需求與期望值,並藉此推行使顧客滿意的理念與經營模式,便能獲得顧客更高的認同度與品牌信賴,以及有效提高醫院形象及市場影響力。


Since March 1993, government of Taiwan carried out National Health Insurance and brought huge change for Medical industry in Taiwan. Medical service for Patients became more easily to access. No only medical service access behavior but also economical barrier eliminate make competition of medical service market became more and more severe. In consequently; focus on patients` reflection and improve clients` satisfaction become important medical enterprises tactic tools. This research is on the basis of regional hospital position and uses patients’ satisfaction to point out critical factors which affect patients to select their medical service institute. By analyzing those critical factors, medical enterprise can improve their medical service and make connection between medical enterprise and local community. This research collected three quarters patients’ satisfied investigation in this regional hospital from January 2007 to September 2007. We found that patients in this hospital satisfaction had reached 79.25%. Furthermore, more than 70% of patients took their medical service were second time therapy. Previous date were both relate to patients` satisfied and faithful of hospital medical service, and also correspond to other relative research. This research found the critical factors to affect patients` choice were: 1. Three critical factors affect patients to select medical service were convenient of traffic, allocation of hospital, and nursing staff service attitude. This researcher shows this hospital has its advantage and also been confirmed by patients. 2. Most common channel for patients to get medical information is family and friends; second element is prestige of hospital. Those two factors are most critical to affect patients making their choice. The information resource comes from relative and friends’ recommendation is rising constantly. It is mean hospital should focus on building well prestige. 3. Well medical service for patients is means doctor should listen to patients attentively, examine patients carefully, and explain situation to patients clearly. Because recently personal conscious is rising. Most of patients believe to respect private and examine patients carefully were most important element. All in all, at today; the trend of society is personal conscious rising. For hospital some service quality issue such like institute environment, service procedure, and instrument--those non medical quality issue also been asked more strictly. If medical enterprise could handle patients` demand and expectation properly they can also improve client satisfied issue and management model. By this strategy hospital can attain high identification from patients and build well enterprise prestige. Be more specific, to enhance company reputation and market influence power.




