  • 學位論文


Spatial Practice as Social Practice: A Study of Art and Culture Spaces in Taipei City.

指導教授 : 廖仁義


隨著社會發展,制式的展演空間已無法滿足社會需求,藝術文化活動範圍也因此擴張,產生許多新興藝文展演場所。本研究以複合式藝文空間一詞,說明中、小型結合藝文展演與商業經營的複合空間,除進行當代藝術展演以及文化活動外,同時營運其他商業內容,如餐飲、共同工作空間、產品販賣等項目。 本研究首先透過台灣藝文空間發展的初探,以了解複合式藝文空間形成的歷史脈絡,再以Lefebvre的空間生產理論作為研究架構,透過訪談研究個案之經營者與活動企劃、執行者,理解複合式藝文空間建構情形,並據以分析複合式藝文空間的社會與文化意涵。 綜合以上,本研究的目的為:(一)「複合式藝文空間」於台灣藝文空間發展之歷史與空間生產脈絡;(二)「複合式藝文空間」中的「藝文空間」在商業與藝文空間的複合式經營中,如何被建構與實踐;(三)「複合式藝文空間」呈現之社會與文化意涵。 透過台灣藝文空間歷史發展回顧及空間生產理論,及台北市複合式藝文空間的相互驗證後,本研究之主要結論如下:(一)複合式藝文空間歷史脈絡:商業與藝術的互相滲透;(二)「複合」的後現代藝文空間;(三)空間實踐作為社會實踐。 複合式藝文空間以商業經營維持空間自主性以及永續經營的目標,透過空間與藝文活動凝聚社群,產生社會行動力,以空間進行更多藝術專業發展以外的社會實踐與文化意義。


With the social development, the standard art space has been unable to meet the needs of society. As the scope of arts and cultural activities also expands, many new forms of art spaces thus emerged. In this study, the key term “art and cultural space” indicates how small or medium scale of arts and culture spaces in conjunction with business activities operate. They often conduct contemporary art exhibitions and cultural activities while performing other commercial activities such as catering、serving as a co-working space of different groups and products selling etc. This research attempts to comprehend how such multifunctional art spaces come into being through a preliminary exploration of the history of development of art spaces in Taiwan. Then by taking Lefebvre's theory of production of space as the framework of research and interviewing art space operators、event planners and executors from certain case study to understand how these new complex art spaces are constructed along with analysis of their social and cultural meanings. Based on the above, the purpose of this research was to study (i) the development of "art and culture space" in the context of historical and spatial development of art space in Taiwan; (ii) how the “art space” was established and practiced in such a so-called art and culture space which operates both arts and commercial activities; (iii) the social and cultural meaning of such a space presents. By a review of the development history of art space in Taiwan and the mutual authentication on both production of space theory and how the complex art spaces in Taipei actually operate, the main conclusions of this study are as follows : (i) the mutual penetration of businesss and arts in historical context; (ii) the definition of post-modern complex art space; (iii) the expound upon spatial practice as a social practice. Such art and culture space maintains its autonomy and the goal of sustainable development by operating commercial activities. It generates social action through space itself and through arts and culture activities. With its space, it brings both social and cultural significance more than just the professional development of arts.


007 號。財團法人國家政策研究基金會。
