  • 學位論文


A study on story establishment and application for cultural heritages:JingLiao county local cultural assets as an example

指導教授 : 曾介宏


文化資產該如何行銷、包裝?如何透過轉化與詮釋再現地方魅力?如何與地方民眾及外地民眾進行有效的溝通?這是許多地方文化工作者關心的議題。近幾年政府逐漸意會到「故事」與地方文化資產的聯結性,許多文化資產知識的開發與經營,即是透過故事化方式重新詮釋。本研究以菁寮聚落作為研究個案,以敘事理論為基礎,探討文化資產「說故事」的方式,讓這些故事成為可被實際操作的文化資產詮釋工具。 研究發現,敘事理論可做為建立地方文化資產故事的理論基礎,利用主題、情節、場景、人物等故事元素,可發展步驟為地方文化資產建立故事文本。而宏觀的將地方各文化資產的歷史視為事件,便可將原本散布於各地區、過於龐雜且獨立的文化資產史料素材整合,編列成一部屬於地方文化資產的故事,成為有效整合地方文化資產的工具。 然而,研究也發現,經拆解後的故事元素雖可應用於溝通媒介中,但不同的溝通媒介元素使用方式並不相同,因此儘管整合了一部屬於該地方文化資產的故事,應用於溝通媒介時,還是須以不同方式應用故事元素。 最後,本研究也針對菁寮個案提出相關的改善建議,包括可利用各故事元素重新編寫菁寮地區文化資產故事、拆解後的故事元素可依不同媒體以創意的方式靈活運用、以及建立故事資料庫辦理故事創作活動等。


文化資產 故事


It is an issue of many local cultural workers’ concern regarding how to pack and market the cultural heritage, how to reconstruct the local features by transformation and interpretation, and how to realize effective communication between the natives and non-natives. In recent years, the government has come to realize the possibility and significance of associating cultural heritage with “stories”, an emerging story-based approach to redefine the development and marketing of cultural heritage. This study, taking JingLiao Settlement as a study case and narrative theory as the theoretical framework, aims to explore how to make story-telling a feasible carrier of cultural heritage. It is found that the narrative theory can be employed as the theoretical basis for building up local cultural heritage stories. These story elements such as theme, plot, scene and characters and so on can be used to develop story text for the local cultural heritage. Moreover, by viewing local cultural heritage histories as events in a macroscopical way, many scattered, messy and independent cultural heritage histories can be integrated into a story exclusive to the local cultural heritage, becoming an effective tool for integrating local cultural heritage. However, it is also found that while the separate story elements can be used in communication media, it should be noted that different media expect different organization methods of these elements. Therefore, although there is an integrated story exclusive to the local cultural heritage, it still need different ways to apply the story elements when using them in the communication media.. Finally, this study puts forward some suggestions specifically for the improvement of Jing Liao Settlement, including using all the story elements to re-write a story about the cultural heritage in the Settlement, making flexible and creative use of the separate story elements in different media, setting up a story database and holding various story-creating activities.


cultural Heritage story


者:Roland Barthes)。《符號學要義》。臺北:南方叢書出版
Julien Greimas)。北京:三聯書店。
著:Tomashevsky, Boris)。北京:三聯出版社。
