  • 學位論文


Hazard Perceptions and Adaptation Behaviors of the Residents Living in the Potential Debris Flow Areas-A Case Study in Jiaxian of Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 陳怡睿


臺灣地處歐亞大陸及太平洋板塊交界處,使得地形多樣複雜、山區地勢陡峭、地質破碎;氣候上為季風氣候區,天氣型態具高溫、多雨、多颱風的特性。近幾年來,又因產業結構轉型,人為不當開發,造成溪流附近土石流災害逐漸增加。根據行政院農委會水土保持局公布,至2013年為止,臺灣本島的土石流潛勢溪流數已累積至1664條。因此,若以完全硬體防治工程來治理災害,恐無法完全減災,而必須從居民的災害識覺與調適行為著手,以期降低土石流所造成之損失與傷害。 本研究以高雄市甲仙區土石流潛勢溪流之保全住戶為研究對象,先從自然環境、人文環境及土石流災害三部份蒐集研究區基本資料,以及相關文獻之回顧後,設計出居民土石流災害識覺與調適行為的量表,並藉由實地問卷調查獲得資料,再利用因素分析方法縮小變數,建構出「土石流認知識覺」、「土石流擔憂識覺」及「土石流調適行為」三個新構面。根據此三個新構面與保全住戶不同基本背景資料透過獨立樣本T檢定或One-Way ANOVA檢定來得出影響災害識覺與調適行為之因子。 結果顯示,回收資料後之檢定量表信度Cronbach α值達0.866,具一定可信度。研究發現不論是認知識覺與調適行為或是擔憂識覺與調適行為,兩者間皆呈現顯著正相關,表示高雄市甲仙區保全住戶內在對土石流的災害識覺愈高,則外在表現出的調適行為會愈積極。此外,結果亦顯示高雄市甲仙區土石流潛勢溪流保全住戶對土石流的認知識覺在受災經驗、大環境現實條件、參加防災教育、職業、家庭年收入、受災次數等具有顯著差異;對土石流的擔憂識覺在受災經驗、大環境現實條件、年齡、土石流發生潛勢區、教育程度、職業、家庭年收入、受災次數等具有顯著差異;至於對土石流的調適行為則在受災經驗、大環境現實條件、參加防災教育、年齡、土石流發生潛勢區、教育程度、職業、定居時間、家庭年收入、受災次數等具有顯著差異。共同影響因子有:受災經驗、大環境現實條件、職業、家庭年收入及受災次數等。曾經有受災經驗者、受大環境現實經濟限制而不得已居住此區者、因工作性質關係者、家庭年收入較高者和受災次數頻率較多者,皆會對土石流出現較高的災害識覺,也會有比較積極型的調適行為。藉由本研究所得出的影響因子,將可提供相關單位防災或決策參考,並讓居民本身更具備災、抗災之調適能力。


Taiwan is situated on the boundaries of the Eurasia Continental Plate and the Pacific Ocean Plate where lots of earthquakes could be observed. Also the island was frequently visited by typhoons. Besides, most of the land area in Taiwan was located on hill slopes. Recently, the development in the slope land is inevitable in Taiwan since the densely populated plain areas are highly developed. The combination of the above resulted in frequent number of debris flow events. As for 2013, there are 1,664 potential debris flow torrents in Taiwan, identified by the Council of Agriculture. Debris-flow hazards can not totally be mitigated by the means of rigid and flexible barriers. Hazard mitigation depends in large part on hazard perceptions and adaptation behaviors of the residents living in the debris potential areas. The research area is the Jiaxian of Kaohsiung. First, basic data about natural and human environment and debris flow are collected. Questionnaire for hazard perceptions and adaptation behaviors of the residents living in the debris potential areas was designed by literature review and field investigation. A reliability test is done for the questionnaire, and the Cronbach alpha is 0.866. It is acceptable. Factor analysis is used later to reduce the set of variables in the dataset to construct three new subjects for debris flow: cognitive perception, anxious perception and adaptation behavior. The results show that cognitive perception and adaptation behavior are positive correlated. Also anxious perception and adaptation behavior are positive correlated. It indicates higher cognitive perception of debris hazard is proportion to positive adaptation behavior. Factors affecting hazard perception and adaptation behavior are obtained by T-test and one-way ANOVA test for the new subjects and background of the residents. The data showed that there were significant differences in the residents’ “experience for disaster,” “conditions of real environment,” “participation in disaster prevention,” “occupation,” “annual household income,” and “visited frequency of disaster,” for cognitive perception. There were significant differences in the residents’ “experience for disaster,” “conditions of real environment,” “age,” “debris potential area,” “level of education,” “occupation,” “annual household income,” and “visited frequency of disaster,” for anxious perception. There were significant differences in the residents’ “experience for disaster,” “conditions of real environment,” “participation in disaster prevention,” “age,” “debris potential area,” “level of education,” “occupation,” “time of settlement,” “annual household income,” and “visited frequency of disaster,” for adaptation behavior. Common factors are “experience for disaster,” “conditions of real environment,” “occupation,” “annual household income,” and “visited frequency of disaster.” Residents with experience for disaster have to stay in these areas due to their jobs and families with higher annual household income and visited frequency of disaster have higher disaster perception and more positive adaptation behavior. The influencing factors obtained by this study can be referred by the competent authorities to enhance the residents’ adaptation ability for disaster resistance.




