  • 學位論文


The Research of Relevance between the Spiritual Health and Spiritual Care Behaviors of the Nursing Staffs

指導教授 : 周傳姜


研究結果顯示:(1)以百分比換算護理人員的靈性健康平 本研究目的在探討臨床護理人員靈性健康與靈性照顧行為之相關性,以台灣南部某醫學中心護理人員為研究對象,採橫斷式調查法。研究工具為「護理人員靈性健康量表」及「靈性照顧行為自我查檢表」等結構式問卷,共發出問卷769份,有效回收690份,有效回收率98.9%。所得資料以SPSS12.0版進行描述性統計與推論性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定(independent t-test)、單因子變異量分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾遜積差相關係數(Pearson’s correlation coefficient)之統計分析。均得分為77.5分,而靈性照顧行為平均得分為29分; (2)護理人員的靈性健康程度受到年齡、工作年資及自覺身體健康狀態、宗教信仰、是否上過靈性課程的影響。護理人員靈性照顧行為方面則受到年齡、工作年資,婚姻、是否上過靈性課程的影響; (3)護理人員的靈性健康與靈性照顧行為呈正向關係。 本研究結果可提供臨床護理、護理教育及行政管理界發展靈性健康促進相關策略,以提升護理品質之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between spiritual health and spiritual care behaviors among clinical nurses. A cross-section research design was developed and implemented in which 769 nurses were recruited from a medical center located in Southern Taiwan. The data were collected from July 10th to July 30th, 2010. A self-administered questionnaire was employed to gather data on respondents’ demographic, spiritual health status and self-reported spiritual care behavior information. A total of 690 valid questionnaires were collected (98.9% retrieved).The coefficient in dependent t-test , one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation were applied to analyze subjects’ responses. Major research findings included: (1) The mean scores for spiritual health and spiritual care behavior were 77.5 and 29 respectively. (2) Personal background including age, working years, perceived health status, religious belief and taken spiritual related courses all had significant influences on nurses’ spiritual health status. On the other hand, nurses’ spiritual care behavior was influenced by age, working years, marriage and taken spiritual related courses. (3) A positive correlation was found between spiritual health status and spiritual care behavior among clinical nurses in this study. The findings of this study may serve as useful references for clinical nursing, nursing education and nursing administration in developing spiritual health promotion related strategies to improve quality of nursing care.


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