  • 學位論文


Applying the Spatial Analysis to Study the Impact of Parks on Real Estate Prices-A Case Study in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 吳彩珠




This study explores the impact of different types of parks on the transaction prices of real estate in Kaohsiung city during 2011. GIS data of geospatial information, and real estate transactions were subpoenaed for spatial statistics analysis, in which the spatial regression models were included to correct the bias caused by spatial autocorrelation. The empirical results showed that the transaction prices of real estate exhibited a greater spatial correlation. The impact of the neighbor park and the city park on the transaction prices of real estate were much more significant than other types of parks. Besides, comparing the estimation results of the hedonic regression model with the spatial autocorrelation models’, it indicated that the spatial error regression model was much better in evaluating the impact of different types of parks on the transaction prices of real estate.


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