  • 學位論文


Implement ESCO at IC Foundry Current Status, and Benefits Review and Recommendations

指導教授 : 蘇哲平


多數文獻上學者們針對ESCOs公司運作及ESCO專案執行探討的內容主要分為二大部分。分別為ESCO商業模式說明,及特定區域或國家ESCO專案執行在ESCO上發展的契機及障礙說明。這些方向都是以政府或ESCOs公司的角度在分析問題。認為這種由節省之能源費用支付改善所需經費的改善模式,只要提供改善契機的公司企業(消費者)有利可圖,改善專案便可成型,因此分析時往往忽略了提供改善契機的公司企業。而這種由供應端依長期預估結果決定推廣方式亦等同於推式的行銷方式,這種推式行銷手法往往滿足消費者需求型態的變動(Simechi-Levi,et.al.,2009),忽略了消費者的真正需求。 在這篇文章當中,我們以消費者的角度出發,發現大型且經營績效良好,資金充裕之專案公司對於ESCO專案需求仍謹守生產管理所遭遇的品質、成本、交期與安全的問題全面考量,特別著重在生產風險及回收效益的考量。因此無論是政府施政或ESCOs公司進行專案推廣及業務拓展,都應將這項思維列入考量。


ESCO 能源服務公司 節能


Much of the literature on the ESCOs’operations and the ESCOs project execution was focus on ESCOs business model and specific regional or nations ESCO project implement opportunity and obstacles. It was on the view of the government or ESCOs companies. They think since the ESCO project was pay by saving it selves. All the companies (consumers) must be satisfied if it make profits, So the improvement project will success. This “push” marketing method was neglected the real needs of the companies (consumers). In this research, we are focus on the viewpoint of consumers. Large with high operating performance and good finance company take ESCO improvement projects was still focus on the instinct of production problem that was quality, cost, delivery and safety. They were never taking the risk of impact productivity and reducing return of investment goal. It should be take consideration if the government or ESCOs companies want to promote ESCO business.


ESCO Energy Service Company Energy Saving


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